
Javelin harness size

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Seriously looking to purchasing a Javelin J-2 C-19 harness container. Previous owner was 6'2 and i'm 6'3. The rig has hip and chest rings. Will this fit me. According to the math i did i should size for a C-21. Can this be fixed by Sun Path. I've tried it on and it fits pretty good but just a tweak on the snug size with the legs straps drawn pretty tight.

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How much does your weight differ from the previous owner?
How much does the size of your thighs differ from the previous owner?
Leg straps are easy to replace on ringed harnesses, more difficult on straight harnesses.

The previous owner says he is 200 and i'm 170. His legs are bigger obviously but how much of a difference is hard to say. Not a huge difference i can tell you that. The leg straps acually fit pretty good, but i notice the tighter i made the legstraps it seemed to get more snug at the shoulders. I figured the rig would be a little looser all around. The top portion of the harness is a little loose but not to a point where i'm going to slid out of the shoulder straps. I just draw the chest strap a little tighter and that pretty much solves that problem. The BOC is right where i need, not high and not real low. Higher than my Vector but easy to reach hackey.

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