
Technical help`

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OK I just recieved my camera back from CameraClinic. I sent it into Sony once before and they said they couldn't find a problem with it, and did a routine maintenance. The problem of it working only when it wanted to, came back after a few month's, so I sent it into cameraclinic (with it not working) when I sent it to sony it was working, but sometimes it wouldnt record and wanted me to eject the tape, this fixed it, but it definitely needed help since Im usually shooting competition 4way video.
Here is the problem, cameraclinic reported that there was a problem with my motherboard and had to be sent to sony because they have to reprogram the board after they fix it. So before I send it into sony to get fixed, I was wondering if anyone had any idea about this and why a motherboard problem would be an off and on thing. Can you determine this without opening the camera, when I got it back you can tell it was untouched. Also has anyone else had this problem, I treat my camera very well. After reading all the post's about people dropping thier sony's and they stil work Im a little curious. One last thing, I cant make it break like it used to something they did or didn't do is making it work, and I want to send it in to Sony with the problem happening so they can see firsthand.


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I can't help you with your programming problem... but my PC-5 is close to death... it got knocked off a gear rack and is now stuck on night shot. I'm not sure if i broke the little switch of if it's something else. but if you find out anything that might help with that and a PC-5, let me know.

good luck to ya, sorry this wasn't helpful.


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