
DV codec in Premiere

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When I'm doing a 'make movie' In Studio 7 one of the codecs I can choose from is for DV so I can send it back out to my PC9. However, the same codec option doesn't pop up in Premiere 5.1, which means that if I want to use Premiere I have to export my movie as raw avi (huuuuuuuge!) then bring it in to Studio 7 so I can re-encode it as DV.

I can't seem to find any free DV encoding codecs out there, are there any?


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Assuming your camera is DV-in enabled when you play the timeline in premiere it should render it up the firewire as well as to the monitor window without out any mucking about with codecs. I have used Premiere 5.1, 6 and 6.5 all with no problem - I can't actually remember 5.1 now but in 6 and 6.5 when I start a new project I start it as a DV project. There may be some options in 5.1 you need to fiddle with to sort this; or maybe just try playing the timeline and see if the picture is received by the camera.
Rich M

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The option you want to use is "Print to tape". There is also an option called "Print to video" but I think that is for sending the finished movie to a vcr. "Print to tape" should send it back to your camera in digital form.

Skydive Radio

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Thanks for all the replies guys. FYI the 'print to tape' option doesn't seem to output anything to the camera (monitor only), do I need to somehow tell Premiere to use my firewire card?

In the end I found a cd that came with the PC9 and had MGI VideoWave III on it. When I installed that it also installed the Adaptec DV Soft codec which Studio 7/Premiere/VirtualDub can all see and use.


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When it is setup and ready to go, does your camera display DV IN on the LCD ? If so, maybe you haven't turned the firewire controller (wrong word ... some help ?) on in the settings. I believe that needs to be on for the program to communicate with the camera.

Can you see what is on the computer on the LCD ? If so, then you know the signal is going through.

Or, you can just upgrade to at least 6.0. ;)


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