
weight vest for 30+ pounds

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i need a weight "garment" suitable for carrying 30 - 35 pounds of lead.
i only do CReW.
Yes, i'm aware weight can be added to the rig, but let's only discuss vests / belts / jackets for now.

Who makes something suitable for this purpose?


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Unless you have a specific reason for putting all that weight into one object, you might consider a weight belt and a weight vest. The belts are very comfortable, you hardly even notice they're there and they can easily carry up to 18 pounds maybe more. I know the vests carry 10-15 pounds as well.

There are a number of different places to purchase these but they're not cheap if they're made specifically for skydiving (like anything else in the sport). The weight belts are $125 with 10 lbs. of weight I believe.

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I make custome weight belts. The most that I've put in one is: with belt weighed 20 lbs it has 9 pockets. My sugestion would be getting 2 of them which I have sold toa few swoopers and I've seen them wear both. My price isn,t quit that high. If your interested email me or give me a call and we can discuss some options.
Don't look for why it might work....look for why it might not.

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