
Wingloading question

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I am an athletic build 210lb w/o gear. I was flying a 240 through the second half of AFF. And have been flying a 230 rental gear for a bit. On the 230 I am sitting at 1.1:1 . Reading the article on wingloading from PD they mention that there is a difference with wingloading and effects depending on canopy size. I am wondering how much of a difference there would be between a 190 loaded at 1.3 and a 150 or 135 at the same loading. Basically what I am saying is in your opinions is a larger semi loaded at 1.2 - 1.3 ok for a first (purchased) canopy? Of course you should always check with your instructors (i know, i know). Just looking for opinion BTW I have never not had a stand up landing and am very aware in the air.

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The lower the wingloading - the more mistakes you can make and typically still walk away from...

Its good that you are getting standups but that isnt a very good qualifier to downsize - give yourself time and you probably wont be able to say you always have gotten standups - sooner or later you will in all probability *Pick one---> "flair late"flair early"not flair"only complete the flair with one toggle.." --- oh hell, if your like I was early on you will probably do each one of these eventually.
Malfunctions get more exciting as the wingloading gets higher as well.

definately talk to your instructors/ S&TA / or dzo about this, they have seen you fly, but anything over 1-1 early on is asking for pain - cause mistakes happen.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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