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Have you ever wing loaded something that high before?

Whether it's cross braced or not?

I think 2.2 is optimal for something like a Xaos but you can wingload it higher, you will just bomb out of the sky quicker than everyone else...

Good luck with it...


"The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over"

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I have come across a real good deal on a Xaos 21 81 I currently jump a crossfire 1 109. I would like some opinions on if this is too much downsizing at once .
Thanks David
ps wing loading would be 2.3 compaired to 1.75


The best idea is always to downsize gradually... going from a 109 to an 81 is a major leap (no pun intended). It will cut your margin for error down to a fraction of what you have under the 109.

btw, did you lose some weight recently? Your profile says that your wing loading for your X-Fire is 1.83. If that is correct, then your loading for the 81 Xaos would actually be like 2.5 (doh!)

Chris W

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I went from a Crossfire 99(500 jumps/1000 jumps overall) (1.87/1) to a Xaos 21-85 and it was a huge step! I jump at a huge dropzone with wide open outs and survived but wouldn't recommend such a huge drop unless you jump you're ass off and fly it very conservatively! I jump more than 500 jumps a yr. Learn to flat turn it first off. This type of canopy will dive in a turn twice as long as the Xfire! The money you save on this great deal will certainly be paid back in doctor bills if you are not extremely careful!

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