
Flat turns vs. Brake turns

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I have heard the terms thrown around and I know that it is something that is VERY important to know. I have seen some accuracy style landings that scared the crap out of me (from the ground). I would like to know the difference, and what is the best way of turning in to the wind/on a medium performance canopy at a somewhat low altitude.

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Sit in approximately 1/2 breaks and then slightly raise the opposite toggle from the direction you want to turn. You'll then find yourself in a flat turn. Note: It's better to slight raise the opposite toggle so as not to induce a slow speed stall (a chance you take if you bury the toggle on the side you want to turn towards).

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Dont forget that you'll want to slowly return the canopy to full flight prior to landing.

If you lift the toggles to position quickly you'll surge the canopy. That is, you'll be pitched back a little as it surges forward. Then your body will pendulum back beneath it. If this happens close to the ground the additional body speed generated by the pendulum action could prove painful.

Try to be in full flight for 10 seconds before the flare.

Play with it upstairs.

I don't know much about Classic Style and Accuracy type landings, but I think those folk do things a bit differently than the rest of us. I've heard they use special canopies that are big and fat, not designed to provide soft landings as much as accurate ones. I'd guess they land in breaks so they can be in the middle of their range for tweaking in the landing with small corrections.

Others can answer better than I.
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