What are pros and cons of purchasing new rigs vs. used rigs?

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I doubt that anyone would ship their rig to me w/o some kind of down pymt or something.

Check out this thread:


I stand corrected. Thanks for this info Jessica. You are such great help in my search for a used rig.

How many hits of adrenaline can you take?

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Service bulleteins for rigs or canopies. Wow, I thought they only had those for automobiles. Cool. Can I reference that on the manufacturers website or is there another source for that info?

Yes, you can usually find a canopy or rig manufacturer's service bulletins on their website. It's all good stuff to know.

And nope, I'm not a rigger! I just play one on TV!

blue skies,
Sunrise Rigging

PS: I'm the marketing person ;)

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One other plus about buying new, is that when you get a new/smaller rig, you can just tell the manufacturer "Same measurements as my last one". Makes you feel all important.

"A W-10 please, my measurements are on file"

Hi John! You crack me up! Your rig is looking purty by the way. Or manly...whichever gender your rig is. :)
blue skies!

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I paid for a full inspection by a master rigger. The rig was in good condition (had less then 500 jumps on it). It wasn't the most comfortable or fashionable but it was airworthy and it served its purpose as a first rig.

Point taken Will thanks. I'm definitely going to go this route.

How many hits of adrenaline can you take?

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Yes, you can usually find a canopy or rig manufacturer's service bulletins on their website. It's all good stuff to know.

Very usefull 411 there Heather. Thanks a bunch.


And nope, I'm not a rigger! I just play one on TV!
PS: I'm the marketing person ;)

You play the role well. You certain get my Oscar vote.

How many hits of adrenaline can you take?

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