
Lies, damn lies, and statistics

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a) noticed that the forums just hit two million posts,
b) been mightily inspired by cpoxon's World Team statistics, and
c) been bored at work,
I figured I'd do a little number-crunching - see attached.

This was all done with information available to anyone who has a login
on dropzone.com. I'm not a mod or sysadmin or otherwise able to
access any statistics that "normal users" can't get. So, I don't have
any information on how much disk, CPU, or bandwidth the site takes.

Some of the numbers don't quite add up - the total posts and threads
as reported at the top of the forum page are a little bigger than what
you get by adding up the user-visible posts and threads. I'm guessing
that deleted posts and maybe some non-public forums for moderation
or maintenance would account for the difference.

Yes, it has already been established that I am a geek.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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How many of those 174 members who have contributed 50% of the posts are Premier

There's not an easy way to figure this out using the tools the site provides. But using my bird utility belt
(containing oocalc, ethereal, vi, wget, bash, awk, xterm, less, grep, and a few other things), the answer is...


Because I know you're going to ask, those 40 Premier members have contributed 12.75% of the total posts.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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But using my bird utility belt
(containing oocalc, ethereal, vi, wget, bash, awk, xterm, less, grep, and a few other things), the answer is...






Because I know you're going to ask, those 40 Premier members have contributed 12.75% of the total posts.

:) So, you are saying 134 non-Premier members are contributing 37.25% of the total posts on this website? Name and shame them I say!
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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Nice work. How many of those 174 members who have contributed 50% of the posts are Premier members?

And how many are moderators ?

Looking at the user list as of the time of this post, which should be
fairly close to the one I used for my original report, the most prolific
174 users include 9 Moderators, 1 Pixie, and 1 Head Honcho. Going
back to the post counts in my original report, Moderators 4.60%, Pixies
0.461%, Head Honchos 0.244%, for a total of 5.31% for this group of 11.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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So, you are saying 134 non-Premier members are contributing
37.25% of the total posts on this website?



Name and shame them I say!

That's Sangiro's decision. :) Another way to look at it, besides that
"those people are getting a free ride", is that "those people are
contributing content for free, which makes the site more valuable to
other people and more attractive to advertisers".

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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So, you are saying 134 non-Premier members are contributing 37.25% of the total posts on this website? Name and shame them I say!

Remember that just because some people are not paying members right now, does not mean that they weren't paying members when they made the majority of their posts.

Nor does it mean they didn't contribute in other ways, like the donation box.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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