
Jumpsuit section under Gear?

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Since jumpsuits seem to cost more than most altimeters and many helmets I want to make an informed decision when I buy my first jumpsuit.
I appreciate the product reviews and manufacturer links for the other categories under the gear section, could jumpsuits be included?

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The problem with jumpsuits could be that is all subjective to the measurements that are provided. You could have a great suit but if it's fits off thats a bad mark, and since you are the one to provide the measurements, should you say something bad about the company because of your screwup?
Also jumpsuits have as many options as Containers, doing the coding to allow for that many things is a huge undertaking. My advice is to talk to the jumpers at your DZ to see the quality first hand then ask if they like it and stuff.
Be safe, be smooth, be fast..... and most importantly.... be phree :)

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Milo - I agree, I beleive I should add jumpsuits. I have not been able to scrape the time together to do it though. It's on my list of To Do's. If you want to play you could probably help me with this... if you are going to be doing jumpsuit research.
It should be easy for you to look at my other gear listings and figure out what kind of information I'll need to add jumpsuits to the database. If you collect info on Manufaturers, the names of all their jumpsuits, the material it's made of, the purpose of the suit (i.e. camera, freeflying, RW).... grab a few pictures off the web and send it may way.
That should give me a base to work from... :)Safe swoops

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