
Skydive Arizona vs Skydive Perris, AFF Tunnel Time

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I was originally going to do some tunnel time at Skydive Perris, but due to some a possible change of plans was looking at possibly doing the tunnel time at Skydive Arizona instead.

Would it really matter at this early stage?

Any tunnel particularly better?

I read somewhere that the Skydive Arizona tunnel is better for the taller people. I'm 6'4" so is that going to be a huge difference as opposed to Perris?

Any feedback from people who have done either, or both I'd love to hear from.



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The AZ tunnel is a bit wider, but since you won't be flying a 4-way at this stage, it probably won't matter that much.

Since you said "AFF", I'm guessing you're just focusing on getting better at the stuff you learned during AFF, getting more stable and confident, leveling, etc...in which case, either tunnel will do you well. I'd say go to whichever one is closest and most convenient. When you get ready to fly with a coach (as opposed to the standard tunnel instructor), then start thinking about how well you fit in the tunnel the last time you went.

The staff at both tunnels is top-notch, and at this point, you'll get a lot out of it, no matter which one you go to.
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Any feedback from people who have done either, or both I'd love to hear from.

I've never been to Perris. I wanted to go to Arizona in the summer of 2005, as it would have been the closest tunnel yet to me (I'm in Oklahoma). But they didn't open until later in the year, so I ended up there in January 2006. I wanted to go because I was getting through AFF very slowly. I did 15 minutes one day and 15 minutes the next and came home and my jumps were much improved. I was just out there again and did jumps and tunnel time and the tunnel time again improved my jumping.

If you're trying to save money, you can stay at the bunkhouse at the DZ or even camp in a tent. If you're there for several days, it is helpful to have a car (or a buddy you can ask for a ride) to go into town to get groceries, etc. If you're coming from Oz you will most likely fly into Phoenix; Eloy is about 1-1.5 hours south of Phoenix depending on traffic in the metro Phoenix area.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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