
Packers? compensation for Tandem pack jobs vs Sport/Student rigs?

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*** What I am leading upto is something that you see quite clearly but do not really understand completely.

lets express this in terms of %age.

$10 is approx 67% of $15?
$10 is double that of $5
$15 is triple that of $5

Damn dude, your posts are quite confusing? I guess we only get $14.00 per pack so the math is ...... so 5 goesinta 14 2and 4/5ths times??
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I would much prefer to pack 1 tandem to 2 sport rigs.

$10 virtual money - Tandem
$5 virtual money- Student or rental or lazy instructor
$5 cash for experienced lazy gear owner

I'm sure that paying $10 in jump credits, as opposed to $5 for packing tandems, is helping packers who have ambitions of becoming instructors do so more quickly. This in turn is advantageous to a small dropzone in Canada which does not have an extremely large pool of rich skydivers who can pay their own way to becoming instructors. I can't say how it helps the large places though because I am not there.

If I only got paid $5 for tandems, I would only be able to do about 1/2 the jumps that I do now and it would take me twice as long to become a less current instructor. Thus the practice of paying twice as much is in the long term making your DZ a safer place for your passengers to jump.

If an instructor gets paid the equivalent of a jump ticket for doing a tandem, why is it such a bad thing to pay a packer who works hard all day keeping tandem rigs in the air 1/3 the amount of a jump ticket? Especially when they have about 1/20th the opportunity to indulge in said jump tickets.

Perhaps 1:1 it is not twice as hard to pack a tandem, but I believe that I would be about 1/2 as sore at the end of the day if I packed 50 sport rigs as opposed to 25 tandems. Of course I am not a tall person and keeping tension on those lines for a tandem is actually work when compared to doing so for a small sport rig.

If you don't think someone should be paid twice as much for packing tandems, then you should pack 10 tandems in a row and then pack a sport rig and tell me how much easier it is. Yes even when you are packing beat up EZ's into well used Vector rigs, and than packing a slick brand new ZP Katana into a D-bag the size of your nutsack and a container the size of your wallet.

As for the varience $10-$15? It takes time for standard practice to become standard practice, perhaps in the long term, there will be a common payout for tandem packs. But when ticket prices rise because of elevating fuel costs, maintenance costs etc. etc... let's not forget about the packers who now have to make more in order to jump their way to instructor ratings.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Maybe they pay twice as much, because you are packing for two people...hehe

As far as the set standard for sport rigs being $5.00 I know of places (like Z-Hills) where it is $6.00

There doesnt seem to be a set standard, but rather a standard for the area you live in perhaps..?

BASE 3:16 - Even if you are about to land on a cop - DONT FORGET TO FLARE!
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