
Skydive The Point this weekend???

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I'll be there.

They have Boogie in a Box going on this weekend. There will be all-chic 4-way and big way organizing, plus I heard a rumor of jello wrestling Sat night.B|

Edited to add the official word:

This Saturday (August 2) is the 4th Annual Boogie in a Box. We will be organizing all-girl skydives on Saturday—big-ways and fun dives all out of the Super Otter.

This year’s party theme is World Wide West Point Wrestling (WWWPW)! And this may prove to be the most infamous of the parties yet! Come as your favorite WWE, RAW or Wrestle mania champion for the SMACK DOWN event of the year!

You heard it… WRESTLING! 150 gallons of industrial jello for the largest jello-wrestling event that West Point has ever seen.

It will be huge! Who will be undefeated at the end of the evening? Who will be the indomitable force of the DZ? You will have to be there on Saturday night to witness it yourself! It is the SUMMERSLAM main event!

One lucky raffle winner will get to choose his lady wrestling opponent (And she chooses her tag-team partner). All proceeds will help send our women of West Point to Jump for the Cause 2009 – the Women’s World Record (and fund raiser to save the Boobies!) in Perris Valley, CA.

Oh, and to compliment your jello-covered bodies, we will have plenty of liquor-imbibed jello-shots for you to ingest.

Come one, come all, to the most entertaining BASH of the year!

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The Boogie in a Box is this weekend. Lots of chicas and great skydives out of the otter. I believe there will be jello wrestling saturday evening. Looks like the weather is going to cooperate. It is going to hot but a chance of showers saturday afternoon but sunday looks clear as a bell.
Rodriguez Brother #1626
Dudiest Skydiver #1962
DPH #-2

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