
Jumping in Columbia (the country)

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Sure have. The DZ is in Flandes but you depart from Bogota in the jump plane, jump in then fly back to Bogota. The web site and contact info can be found at http://www.skydivecolombia.com/.

Skymoo is a member here and speaks fluent English and can help you once you are there in Bogota. His contact info can be found at http://childrenofthesky.com/

If you do a search for post on Colombia made by me, I think I posted a bunch of pictures of the DZ in one of the threads.

If you have any questions, PM me.:)

"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Live and work in Bogota. Been jumping here since I arrived five+ years ago.

It´s sporadic, a little on the expensive side compared to most DZ´s stateside, and fun. Most jumping is outside Bogota which has an altitude around 8450msl. Flandes (3hours drive) is the most "active" DZ, operates more or less every weekend or every second weekend.

PM me with specific questions and I´ll answer septel or hook you up with someone else.

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