Pro Rating

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The long version can be found Here.

The short version:
USPA D license

over 500 jumps on a ram-air

d. make ten pre-declared jumps into a circle ten meters in diameter (landing within five meters of the center point) using the same canopy and must:

e. score at least 75% on the PRO Rating exam

4) have the PRO Rating Proficiency card signed off by an I/E, S&TA, or PRO Rating holder indicating that the PRO Rating applicant has received training in the following areas:

(i) ground crew-and served as a ground crew member on at least one Level 1 or Level 2 demo jump

(ii) flag rigging-and made at least one jump with a flag

(iii) smoke rigging-and made at least one jump with smoke

(iv) NOTAM filing and certificates of authorization

(v) crowd control

(vi) post-jump procedures

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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The system is good. If you complete all the prerequesites then you should have no trouble doing PRO demos. There are a lot of nay sayers out there that would disgree with me but I suspect that most of them simply can't or wont take the time to train and qualify.
John Wright

World's most beloved skydiver

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