
First dusk/night jump

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Did my first dusk/night jump (9h00 pm in Canada, no sun left but the sky wasn't totally dark).

Like Neo would say : Woa!

Seeing the city lights (Bellefeuille and St-Jérôme in Québec) is amazing. I was supposed to practice saltos but when I faced the city I was totally hypnotized and went down watching the lights. Poped at 5000 instead of 4000 for an extra minute of scenery.

It wasn't a real night jump because I could still see my canopy and the other ones faintly. What an amazing sight though! I can only imagine the sheer beauty of a total night jump. The cars were placed on the landing area. One weird thing: the wind picked pretty fast (there was no wind at takeoff and I went up in 25 min.).

Anyway, sorry for getting excited and wasting your time on this post, I'm just a newbie discovering the joys of this sport.

Can't wait to jump again in darkness.

"That makes me angry, and when Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset....people DIE!!!"

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DUDE, dont be sorry to post that in here. I like you am a newbie. I like reading other peoples experiences, it gives me a chance to learn from them.


There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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sorry for getting excited and wasting your time on this post, I'm just a newbie discovering the joys of this sport.

Nothing to be sorry about. We were all newbies once and we all felt the excitement and wonder you feel now. Some old-timers at the dz might shy away from sharing their experiences with newbies, but you'll find none of that here. If I ever run into you on a dz and find out you're a newbie, I'll force you to jump with me. Welcome! :)

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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Did my first dusk/night jump (9h00 pm in Canada, no sun left but the sky wasn't totally dark).

Welcome!! I'm in Manitoba and I understand your jump scenario at 9 PM - GRREAT time to jump, just at the 'technical end' of the day. I've done a dozen or more of those 'late sunset' loads but never a true Night jump.

Ironic, but I just returned from DZ and am in ther process of organizing a true night jump in 2 weeks - very much looking forward to it too. In what other sport can you change the entire feeling of it just by what time of day it is??? Just wait till you get to winter jumps :)

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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got my licence, last jump we were taking off when the sun was going down, exited at 4000m (12500-13000 ft) 4nM away from the dropzone and flew back home under canopy. Incredible... But cold...Who cares
Fumer tue, péter pue
ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579

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