
My First Helicopter Jump

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Yep, I said it....FIRST. And it was awesome!!!!!

The pilot hovered for us at 8K, I went out backwards, got to geek the camera (thx Ed) as I fell back. Very bad ass watching the chopper as I fell away. I loved every second of it. It was the one of the coolest things I have ever done. I am going to pat myself on the back here as I did NOT flail while falling away. I was pretty worried about it on the ride up. Speaking of which that was cool too, no doors on either side, great view. the pilot did an excellent job, got us to altitude pretty quick and kept the flight quite smooth.

I owe BEER!!! Well, 2 cases actually as I made my FIRST jump from a Super Twin Otter (very comfy plane) on Saturday as well. Damn, ya gotta love Lodi.

Ed, I HATE YOU for encouraging me in this skydiving thing!!!! >:( >:( I have NO money, I sold my motorcycle, I am trying to sell my bicycle and as of today (if the guy shows up) my truck is sold!! :D:D Why? So I can buy more skydiving stuff (yes an RW suit, jeez) and many more jump tickets.

BTW, I want to thank for continuing to push me along in this sport. I am LOVING every second of it!! B| And that's the truth.

66 and a still going.....

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"I owe BEER!!! Well, 2 cases actually as I made my FIRST jump from a Super Twin Otter (very comfy plane) on Saturday as well. Damn, ya gotta love Lodi."

You owe beer and some wine Dude!:P
I attached some video grabs of your jump. Bring your tape to the DZ so we can record it on there next time your at the DZ.


Ed, I HATE YOU for encouraging me in this skydiving thing!!!! I have NO money, I sold my motorcycle, I am trying to sell my bicycle and as of today (if the guy shows up) my truck is sold!! Why? So I can buy more skydiving stuff (yes an RW suit, jeez) and many more jump tickets.

One of many!:P;)


66 and a still going.....

And hopefully many more if you stay safe.:)

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man i jumped a chopper for the presecond time this weekend too and man was it awesome. after that one i just had to go up again and i ended up doing 3 jumps outta the chopper cause it was so awesome and i recommend it to anyone who hasnt done it, the hovering exits are so great

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How much was the ticket to 8 grand?

What kind of Heli?

I've been burning up inside trying to get a heli-jump. Sounds like a f***ing great time.

Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
There's no justice like angry mob justice. - Skinner
Be careful. There's a limited future in low pulls - JohnMitchell

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Luky bastard! :P

There's going to be a helo at SSM in a week or two. Last time they said you needed an A (which I was about 5 jumps short of); this time they're saying B (which I'm about 5 jumps short of). I hope this doesn't trun into needing 2000 jumps while I'm at 1995. :)

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