
Packing Class

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Wasn't sure if this goes in general or gear & rigging...
I'm trying to take a packing class next weekend, and I was wondering if y'all have some good pointers so I can make the most of the class.

Any questions I should specifically ask, things to doubly make sure of, etc.

Thanks a lot!


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Wasn't sure if this goes in general or gear & rigging...
I'm trying to take a packing class next weekend, and I was wondering if y'all have some good pointers so I can make the most of the class.

Any questions I should specifically ask, things to doubly make sure of, etc.

Thanks a lot!


Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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Watch packers pack as many times as you can. At my DZ they were all happy to tell me what they were doing again and again, as I kept forgetting the steps in order.

Also, don't be discouraged if you can't get the pack job done the first five or ten times. Packing is suspiciously similar to juggling.


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Certainly, you want to go to the class and pay attention to how the parachute and lines should look. I second the recommendation for video, even if that makes me a slow learner. I really learned to pack by putting the video in and packing and repacking my rig in the living room with the remote handy. I finally got to the point where I didn't have to pause it to keep up. Helped me a lot! Good luck.:)

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Try to understand why something is being done, don't just accept it: you'll remember it that way. Also, you'll develop a feel for what matters and what doesn't so you can relax about jumping your own pack jobs and not panic when you see someone do it differently. ;)

If you don't know anything for sure, then ask! People will only bite your head off if you don't...
BASE #1182
Muff #3573
PFI #52; UK WSI #13

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