
Shoot them birds!

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I just wanted to say thanks to Frank and all of the LSPC. The LSPC skyvan boogie was a lot of fun. I met a lot of cool people and I want to congatulate all the new bird(people) welcome to the flock.
I figured with a title like this only people that were there will look. Thanks for the overwhelming hospitality. Next year I reccomend the LSPC skyvan boogie to everyone its well put together and a lot of fun.

For those that don't know, its somewhere either in Iowa or Nebraska, you see so many welcome to this state signs you get lost, but its Lincoln skydiving club that holds the boogie. And dont eat at Pizza hut there they dont have beer or large pizza's. Well at least on sunday nights.

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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I I figured with a title like this only people that were there will look.

This is funny...last weekend I jumped with a friend of mine in Greensburg, IN and he actually hit a bird in freefall! He had no idea at the time, but he had a big knot on his elbow that he couldn't figure out. Then he found the feathers attached to his jumpsuit.
Your title seemed appropriate for this....

The less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect

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