
Post TSA or USPA letters to help carry on your rig

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I've been following the threads about carrying on rigs. I've been trying to find any "letters" or documentation that might help get through TSA. If you have any would you please post them, or where they are.

Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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TSA has a draft copy of their agreement with USPA out to the field for comments. The TSA Director for your airport probably has a copy of it. It has not been made public to the skydiving community as of yet.

Most airports are no problem.

There is also a new Cypres card that comes with the Cypres2. It shows what a complete rig looks like under the CTX5000 scanners that most airports are using and describes the assembly in detail. This is all part of the work that USPA is doing with TSA. Andyman posted a copy of it here in another thread.

I was supposed to have a FAX from the Deputy TSA Director of Palm Springs Airport but have not received it yet. It is a draft copy of their agreement with USPA and contains the guidelines from Ed Scott of USPA that Paul Quade posted here in another thread.

If you fly Southwest they have a blurb about parachutes and Cypres in their baggage manual that a counter superviser can get for you from their computer. It's listed under Baggage-Parachutes.

Most of the TSA screeners are up to snuff on pararchutes now. A few like to make their own rules it seems, like the ones did at Midway in Chicago recently. For what it's worth I flew through Midway with my rig recently with no problems whatsoever.


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I flew back from Orlando this morning, they hassled me at the check in counter, I showed them the letter from the uspa website, they were totally cool about the whole thing...
We ended up talking about the sport with them for about 10 minutes... I think they may go for a tandem!

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Here you go:

TSA's letter to the USPA

Although the TSA supervisors should already have these procedures, this should clear up any last-minute misunderstandings about the process.

Remember: Be nice and patient with the TSA: they still have final say, at least until we get a President who's read the consititution again.
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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Here is the link to the letter from the TSA that says that rigs with and without AAD's are allowed to fly. I'm a little uncomfortable with the fact that it says they can unpack my rig but... I'd rather have it... so they know my rights... than not have it at all and them start pulling handles.

Also attached is a copy of the cypress card that is supposed to be with your rig. I can't get the second page to attatch, but This is the xray of what your rig should look like with AAD installed.

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Also attached is a copy of the cypress card that is supposed to be with your rig. I can't get the second page to attatch, but This is the xray of what your rig should look like with AAD installed.

OK, that pic is just cool! I can see the grommets in the d-bag, but what are those round/oval things above them? The slider stops (poker chips) in the main? If so, that packjob is pretty ugly. :o The guy who packed the reserve did a better job :ph34r:
D-19617, AFF-I '19

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