
First jump mal in Toronto

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I have a wuffo friend that told me a friend of hers had a first jump mal/cutaway safe reserve landing in Toronto, not sure which DZ. Anyone have any info on what might have happened?

To further discussion, how many out there have had reserve rides on their first jump? I know one person who has.

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I have a wuffo friend that told me a friend of hers had a first jump mal/cutaway safe reserve landing in Toronto, not sure which DZ. Anyone have any info on what might have happened?

To further discussion, how many out there have had reserve rides on their first jump? I know one person who has.

One year at my DZ (around 1992 I think) we had 8 uni students come out to do a first jump course (SL). Three of the group went up and one of them cut away. He claimed he had line twists.

He then went and told all his friends what a buzz the cutaway was and that he'd 'cheated' by getting freefall on a SL course.

Next load - 4 of the 5 first jumpers cut away. They all claimed line twists. They all giggled amongst themselves how cool and brave they were. They were all requested to find a more suitable sport. :S

nothing to see here

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Had a student who had a couple linetwists from a direct bag S/L on his first jump, tried to kick out of them for MAYBE a full second, then chopped.

I wasn't at the DZ when it happened, but I've heard the story of a first jump student suffering the dreaded "slider down" malfunction: "My canopy deployed, but no matter how much I pumped the brakes I couldn't get my slider to go back up so I used my reserve."

OMfuckin'G... :S

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I have a wuffo friend that told me a friend of hers had a first jump mal/cutaway safe reserve landing in Toronto, not sure which DZ. Anyone have any info on what might have happened?

To further discussion, how many out there have had reserve rides on their first jump? I know one person who has.

One year at my DZ (around 1992 I think) we had 8 uni students come out to do a first jump course (SL). Three of the group went up and one of them cut away. He claimed he had line twists.

He then went and told all his friends what a buzz the cutaway was and that he'd 'cheated' by getting freefall on a SL course.

Next load - 4 of the 5 first jumpers cut away. They all claimed line twists. They all giggled amongst themselves how cool and brave they were. They were all requested to find a more suitable sport. :S


That reminds me of a course, years ago in Northern Alberta.
An IAD student on the first load looked up immediately (1 second) after exit and cutaway from a half-inflated canopy.
It would probably have fully-inflated if he had given it a couple more seconds.
On the second load, his buddy did not even bother to look up, just grabbed straight for the SOS handle the second his fingers cleared the wing strut!

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