
Jump for the cause question

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Hey all,

A good friend of mine just got her invite (YAHOO!) and while we were talking about it a question came up.

What have been the last three record, and what did they start at?

I believe that this year is (around) 156....have they in the past made the new record at the attempted amount?

i.e. we are trying for 156 but if we don't get it we can cut people down to 131 (I thought last years was 130)

In any event there's another lady I have to make a donation to:P

Goof luck all!

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In 1999 we got a record of 118 in 2002 we broke it and with 131. Not sure what it was before that but I think it was 100-way in france, but i could be making that up I wasn't there.

Congrats to your friend.:)
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In 2002 we started off with about 150 and when it wasn't completeing, and getting closer to the end of the time alloted for the jumps, the ax came out and it started cutting until we got a completion. 131 is the record at this time. Anything above that will become the next record.

I hope this helps.

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