
Freefall University

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I posted a while back to find out about the freefall university. I have tried to book a course a while back but have so far not been contacted.
As some of my mates jump I have been put in contact with some ex students.
Most of them are complaining about not being picked up from the airport, sharing gear and instructors with other students........
I also have been told that the company has been asked to leave the dropzone and a new AFF school has taken over.....people are saying that David Cowman, the owner no longer has an AFF rating and doesn't even know how to pack a parachute.......I am scared that someone like this has been allowed to trade for so long.....

I talked to the dropzone and they put me in contact with the freefall addicts. They are now the new AFF school and I have to say are so far looking after me very well....

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It is true that the FFU has stopped operating at Lillo. There is a new AFF school on the dropzone called the Freefall Addicts. The website is not on-line yet, but you can get some outline information including contact details on www.freefalladdicts.co.uk

The school is run by all the ex staff of the FFU including Barry Maple and Lamorna Harpin.

If anyone reading this has any doubts about their course (already booked) please contact [email protected]

Blue skies,

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i did my AFF with Freefall University and i had a brilliant time... I couldnt have been happier with my AFF course and Lillo as a whole...

Dave Cowman did my AFF course less than a year ago, so i think it's fair enough to assume that he does have an AFF rating! as was stated by sparko there is enough positive feedback on the Freefall Uni site to show that they obviously weren't doing too bad a job!

but anyway as Dave has left go with Freefall Addicts... I was in Lillo a few weeks ago and the plans that they have sound really good, especially the customer care side of things (dune buggies, snowboarding etc.)... I did the later part of my course with Barry and he is an excellent instructor and i also got my gear through him and he was more than helpful with that... i've been to Lillo 5 times in the last year to do my AFF, canopy course, FS1 and freefly coaching and i would recommend it to anyone, if you want any more info then PM me...

and that is my shameful plugging of the day lol

Jill x

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Hey Jill,

Nice to see you are keeping up with things ;-)

Re ratings.......if anyone has any doubt about whether or not an instructor has a current rating they can contact the USPA through www.uspa.org

It is worth mentioning that instructors have to do a certain ammount of AFF jumps a year to keep their rating and also renew the rating on a regular basis.

It is always worth checking.......

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not all that much skydiving is happening in my world (i hate british weather!)

...and that's why I'm going to Lillo this weekend.

Of course, the weather gods know this, and the forecast for Nethers is pretty much perfect this Friday/Saturday, but the flights are booked and it's too late now.

As to the original question, I have heard nothing more about the FFU saga than what's officially available from FFA, so why and how Dave Cowman's AFF rating went away will have to remain a mystery until I get there (and probably beyond :|). Maybe he just didn't feel like paying USPA dues any more...

I have absolute confidence in FFA's ability to continue as well as the previous school, and improve on it - especially since it's all the same brilliant staff, who are sounding motivated. And I'm really looking forward to seeing them this week ;)

"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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well i only got back from Lillo like 3 weeks ago so cant really justify going back again lol... but it looks like it could be a good weekend here for a change!

well he hasnt been doing any AFF for the best part of a year, so he isnt current, it's not exactly a big mystery...

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Hi Bri

These forums are used for people to bitch and moan and start rumours based whatever they have heard. You know how it is.

All the operations listed here have very professional AFFI's rated by the USPA. They have all worked hard and dedicated many hours of their lives to be were they can be, and this is to teach a sport they love so much.

All the operations listed have tons of student experience and work strictly to the USPA BSR's and ISP programme. The DZ's all have outstanding facilities and a great atmosphere, and are located in my opinion in one of the best parts of Spain. the only thing missing is a beach, and if you want this then the only place is Ampuria ! Which is an oustanding DZ.

All the operations listed are contributing to Skydiving in Spain in a very positive way. I can personally vouch for each and everyone of the staff as good people.

Which ever school you choose to train with you will be treated with the highest standards of safety and customer service and be welcomed into the brotherhood of skydivers.

thanks J

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just to reiterate what sneaky said the instructors at both Lillo and Letsgoskydive are complete legends! regardless of all the bitching and rumours going on I've had nothing but good experiences...

I have nothing but respect for Dave, he did a lot of my earlier AFF jumps and really motivated me and gave me the confidence to progress in the sport (safely!). He really knows what he is doing and has always been there to give me advice and pep talks!

Jordy is an excellent instructor he was very supportive during AFF and my first few jumps. he gave me endless amounts of advice, he helped me to increase my confidence no end and was generally a great person to be around!

Barry did my last few AFF jumps and i bought my rig/jumpsuit through him. He got me out of a couple of tight spots on AFF (holding the throw away apparently isnt a good plan!) and was extremely patient with me. he is an excellent rigger and answered endless emails/calls when i was deciding what gear to get.

Andy is an excellent AFF instructor who really helped me when i was working towards my FS1. He is a really good teacher and fun to be around...

that's not mentioning how brilliant Mikey C was with my freefly coaching, Mike V with my FS1, Brian V with my canopy control, Luci B with my AFF and generally all of the instructors I've been taught by!

they dont just give out ratings to anyone, they're all safety concious and are going to do everything they can to teach you what they know and keep you safe!

i have loads of respect for anyone that is commited enough to get ratings and be an instructor, i know that i would have quit months ago if the people listed above hadnt been around to support me! any instructor will have given up a lot to be where they are and deserve more than to be treated like crap for no good reason...

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Hi All,

I went out to freefall uni at the beginning of July.
I was the last student that was taken on by freefall uni and Dave Cowman before the decision to split the partenership between, himself, Barry and Lamorna.
The instruction i recieved was great, I completed 30 jumps in 8 days. I managed to get my Cat8, and FS1 qualifications while i was there. The place is FAB and I would recomend all to visit the site in Lillo Spain.
The Admin side of my visit was poor but that was due to the split, but the instruction from Marcus Laser was excellent.
As stated in earlier posts Freefall Addicts is now up and running. They have the ability to put on other activities when the dirt devils play hell with the DZ.
If you want to do AFF, Freefall coaching with Mikey, Canopy coachng, FS coaching or you just want to skydive!!!! Go you'll enjoy it.
A big thanks to all out in Lillo, it was great.
I will be back there in 4 weeks!!

Make mine a blue sky, please!!!

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