
Jumping with Back brace

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Jumping with a back brace shouldn't be a problem as long as it does't restrict or impede movement. it amy effect the way your rig fits though. Thats the practical side. If you are wearing a back brace then it appears to me your injury is not just a mere strain but more serious and I would seriously think about skydiving at all until you are 100% pain free.

Back injures quickly become a chronic problem if not treated properly in the first instance and you don't want to be an invalid by the age of 50. It will take one hard opening or possible even line twists whipping you around to cause small problem to become a large problem and curtail your skydiving career for good.

Back injuries are not to be abused. Take it slowly. Recover and rehabilitate the back before jumping again.

Sorry its not good news. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Doc Rich
Everything that happens to you in life is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your life and be taught.

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I'd add that if you only have a couple of jumps, you have enough on your mind while skydiving without worrying about your back. Wait until it's the last thing on your mind instead of the first, and then you can have fun on the skydive and walk away painfree afterwards.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Thanks for the advice. I was going to wait until I was pain free before jumping again. I think along with some special exercise and stretching I should be good.. My back has messed with me since my early 20's.. I was just wondering if people wore them for preventive situations.. kinda like knee braces..
It really sucks .. Im so strung out on jumping right now.. I cant wait to jump again… but I will let my body heal before jumping.. I figure a couple weeks and I’ll be on to level 3

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Just another note. i notice you are still very early in your jumping career. A back brace may impede your arching correctly (a hard arch may cause lower back pain if you already have problems). And with that instability. Once you have a few more jumps and feel more at home in the air then you may like to consider a back brace but again it also depends on the type of brace.

I wore a metal knee brace for a while after a knee injury and while it did prevent me flexing my knee properly I could, with my experience, compensate with the other leg. So nothing is impossible.

For now wait it out and recover before jumping again.

Everything that happens to you in life is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your life and be taught.

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Just another note. i notice you are still very early in your jumping career. A back brace may impede your arching correctly (a hard arch may cause lower back pain if you already have problems). And with that instability. Once you have a few more jumps and feel more at home in the air then you may like to consider a back brace but again it also depends on the type of brace.

I wore a metal knee brace for a while after a knee injury and while it did prevent me flexing my knee properly I could, with my experience, compensate with the other leg. So nothing is impossible.

For now wait it out and recover before jumping again.


you are spot on with the arch.. I think that may have done it.. Hard arch out of the plane..
Im doing much better and think I should be pain free by next wed.. I am pretty active and have not had to wear a back brace for a long time..and I dont plan on it again.. I was just wondering if people did it.. I know there are some things I can do to stregthen my back ..
thanks for the reply ....
on my last jump we did forward movement.. I felt like I was flying instead of falling.. when I dragged the two JM's accross the sky it gave me a huge buzz.. cant wait to move on to the next level/task..
but im responsible enough not to do it if I know Im going to get hurt..

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There are plenty of excercises one can do to strengthen your back muscles. Also important to work on your abdominal (stomach) muscles too as they "support" the back in the front. I suggest you go to a sports physiotherapist and ask them to draw up an excercise program to rehabilitate and strengthen your back slowly.

Good luck
Everything that happens to you in life is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your life and be taught.

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