
Sinus Infection - Hop n' Pops OK?

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I've been feelin' like shit for the last couple of weeks. Finally went to the doc and she says I've got a sinus infection - which explains the bewildering pain in my upper nose and eyes.

Question: I know that full altitude would be VERY painful but what about 3500' hop n' pops?

Anyone had problems with those while a little under the weather? I ask because my eye already feels like its going to burst from its socket [:/]

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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I've been feelin' like shit for the last couple of weeks. Finally went to the doc and she says I've got a sinus infection - which explains the bewildering pain in my upper nose and eyes.

Question: I know that full altitude would be VERY painful but what about 3500' hop n' pops?

Anyone had problems with those while a little under the weather? I ask because my eye already feels like its going to burst from its socket [:/]

I've done a few hop n pops after recovering from a mild sinus infection. I didn't have any trouble, but I'm not sure I'd do it again.

It's better to wait a week to jump then screw up your sinuses and have to wait much longer though. ;)

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Question: I know that full altitude would be VERY painful but what about 3500' hop n' pops?

Personally, when I have a sinus infection that causes conjestion, riding a few floors in an elevator is painful. I would not consider doing anything at all that involves rapid pressure changes. It's more than jus a pain thing, people can get seriously screw up their sinuses by jumping.

I really don't know how dangerous a hop n'pop would be, but my ass would be firmly planted on terra firma.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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As a jumper and a pilot all I can say is "don't do it". You can not only cause sinus pain but you can potentualy blow an ear out! You may not know if you have any ear blockage! Just my 2 cents as an airline capt for 22yrs and a jumper for 37! Wayne
Here's to Old Farts in the Wind!

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Sinus infections can clear up pretty quickly if you do everything to stay healthy.

For example, my home dropzone out in the farmland has fresher air than in the city (The planes dont fly often enough to pollute the massive dropzone land), and one can lounge around all day relaxing and not worrying about housework, etc. If it is not too cold and not too warm. A sinus infection can clear up in two days.

I was sick but went to the dropzone anyway. Went Friday. Slept in. Miraculously I was full of energy the next day and my sinuses were clear.

Bring lots of healthy food and drinks though, and find someplace comfortable to rest and read a book between watching the parachutists land. Less stressful than sitting in a cluttered home that you don't feel like doing household chores in.

I seem to recover from colds much faster at the dropzone for some reason. (happened twice already.) I do bring a full cooler stocked with good food, so that I can stuff myself with good food.

Resist the temptation to drink beer instead. [:/] B| :S

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Couple of years ago I had a moderate cold and was scheduled to teach the FJC to 20 or so students. I went ahead JMed the students as they were IADs and I wouldn't be going out over 3,500'. All but the last load were turn arounds when I decided to take the fast way down. BIG MISTAKE. One of my nasal sinus ruptered. I felt the pop in free fall. Very very painful and one of those can't be good for you feelings. Fortunately the only repercussion was two weeks later when I was riding to altitude and had to blow my nose...bloody nastiness.

Rule of thumb, if you are unable to open your sinuses with a good decongestion, don't jump. It is foolish to risk permanent hearing loss for a hop and pop.


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There was an article about head colds and congestion in Parachutist sometime last year. According to the article, the greatest changes in atmospheric pressure, and therefore the greatest danger to your sinuses, etc, occur in the first 3000 ft of altitude, going higher only makes things a little worse. So they don't recommend hop & pops. So if you wanna blow your brains right out both ears, you might just as well go to full altitude. It's your head.

Or else stay on the ground, get better and jump in a few weeks. The time will pass quickly enough, so take in some good movies and maybe do a little indoor body surfing instead...

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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i was sick and extremely stopped up once a few years ago and i was down in florida but i had to get back to alabama cause high school was starting back up in a few days and my only option was to get on a plane. one of the most uncomfortable moments ever. i was literally like 95% deaf during the flight cause i couldn't pop my ears and i was in horrible pain the whole time. what sucked is when we got to altitude it hurt a lot but then when it came time to go back down to land it got even crazier. thankfully i didn't blow any ear drums or anything. i would prefer to never experience that ever again though.

i jumped once when i was a little stuffed up and i remember the whole way down it sort of hurt but not too bad (i hadn't been able to pop one of my ears for like the past week) and when i pulled my chute it opened a little fast and jerked me and when i got jerked my ear popped and i was fine after that. kind of weird but i was happy cause i could now hear out of that ear ha.

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