
BPA 'A' License

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Okay.. I've done what is required to get my 'A' license. All of these were done at the Freefall Uni in Spain under the supervision of a BPA qualified AFF Instructor:

Have completed AFF levels 1 - 7

Done a hop 'n' pop from 6000ft (pulled stable in less than 10 seconds)

Done 10 consolodation jumps.

Completed CH1 course and exam.

What's next? My CH1 exam (which was signed by my instructor at FFU) is asking for a BPA number - which I dont have yet, as I didnt train in England.

I assume that I'll need to just fill out an application form and send it off to the BPA, but if someone could please clarify exactly what i need to do next then that would be great.

Cheers and Blue Skies!

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Hi there,

How long ago were you at the Freefall Uni? I'm due there in a couple of weeks and I'd appreciate any feedback that you have :) How long were you there for ?

Also, are you saying that you came away without your A licence? The main reason I'm going is to get my A sorted, as I want to jump in the US in April.

If you find out what you need to get this sorted, I'd really appreciate hearing :)

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You must be a BPA member before you can get a BPA A Licence. Have a look on http://www.bpa.org.uk for printable membership forms. Also, It may make sense to delay until April, as the new membership year starts then. (And be prepared for an outlay of around £115).

PM me with any other questions :)
Swoopert, CS-Aiiiiiii!

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I was at the freefall uni for 10 days, during which i completed all the qualification requirements for the A license:

- AFF levels 1-7

- Hop 'n' Pop (yes, 10 seconds was about how long you get - afaik it takes about 8-10 seconds to fall the first 1000 feet and 5 seconds for every 1000 feet thereafter)

- CH1 exam and course completed

- 10 Consolodation Jumps

With good weather, its very easy to complete all of this in a week. I managed 6 jumps on one day and 5 on two other days, with two jumps during a nice spell on a bad weather day. As soon as you land, one of the staff is waiting to repack your rig - so you can really get the jumps in.

The only reason i didnt get my A license when i was there was due to the fact im not already a BPA member, but from what I understand from advice here - all i need to do is join the BPA next month, maybe do a check-out dive at my DZ in England and have the CCI there sign off my application for my 'A' license.

Thanks for all your help!

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You did your AFF course without BPA membership with a BPA Instructor?

Sounds like someone has been pulling your bluff.

The only places to do a 'BPA' approved courses are in Seville or with Kev McCarthy in Empuria or the associated numerous visiting schools.

Client Scare

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