
Polar Heart Rate Monitor with Cypres?

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I can't see why it would be a problem... Students wear 2-way radios all the time, I know a fair number of jumpers that carry cell phones on jumps (it is highly recomended for balloon jumps and Night jumps)

I imagine the RF signals from these devices far exceed anything a simple HR monitor puts off...

you might search the Cypres Website for techincal information... but I wouldn't be conserned.
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Is it OK to wear a wireless Polar Heart Rate Monitor while jumping?...i would imagine the cypres is shielded against mild electromagnetic/radio waves....


I've done it a number of times. Cypres has never given me an error of any kind. Fun to watch the HR spike right before I go out the door, then flatten out, then eventually, drop back to normal. :D
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"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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