
Deterioration of skydiving

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I would hate to think I'm joining at a time where skydiving has lost its soul.


Your recognition of that possibility will probably insure that you will retain the "soul" of skydiving.

May I welcome you to the sport when the time comes.

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i need to clear something up here and it seems i may be the only one in this thread qualified to do so.
i am a L1 paraplegic and DISABLED!! not crippled.i dont know where you get your info but i dont like being called a cripple...
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Take a breath. The use of words such as "disabled" to describe people who fit the definition was an artificial attempt to change society's use of morally neutral terminology. It was thought that people who were crippled would feel better about themselves if they were no longer described as such. So, instead, we came up with a new word which means the same thing.

Furthermore, there are people who now claim that "disabled" is a harsh word, and are trying to create even more ridiculous phrases, such as "physically challenged," to describe people who suffer limitations the majority of folks do not have to deal with.

Look at the stink created when someone describes black people as "black people." In a few decades we've gone from "negroes" to "colored" to the asinine "African American." It's silly. And its offensive to assign unkind motives to people who refuse to play this game.

By the way, your personal experience is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.


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how on earth my personal experience has nothing to do with it is beyond me. since i am disabled or differently abled i think my opinion has merit. also the words cripple, and even disabled denote something that no longer functions. i am the only licenced paraplegic skydiver in the world. seems pretty "able" to me
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how on earth my personal experience has nothing to do with it is beyond me...
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Should this conversation continue in Speakers' Corner?

I am not being disrespectful. The point here is that we have been conditioned to avoid using perfectly legitimate words because of some people's interpretation of what is or is not "offensive."

There is nothing wrong with describing people who suffer physical disabilities as "crippled." It's a valid word that describes a specific set of circumstances. The issue here is that some people long ago decided that the word was disrespectful, and began demanding we use other words that mean the same thing.

Since then, certain political forces have decided that the words they themselves decided we should use are now disrespectful, and are demanding we use new words & phrases to replace other words which were never wrong in the first place.

A guy who can't use his legs is 1) crippled, 2) disabled, 3) handicapped, 4) physically challenged, 5) all of the above.

The correct answer is 5.


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.... i am the only licenced paraplegic skydiver in the world...

I think you're not the only one. ;)

One of our jumpers, here at Atmosphair ( "pbilodeau" on DZ.com) is a paraplegic too. He now has over 150+ jumps, and is a B licence holder.


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there is no correct answer it is subjective and a personal choice. only someone with said disability can decide what is offensive to him/her. as i said before 'cripple' or "disabled" refers to something that once worked and now no longer does. i dont feel this is accurrate.(even though i prefer to be called disabled)
by the way, do you have a close relationship with anyone who is disabled?? just out of interest
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