
Half way through Traditional Training Program

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Well I did my first 4 static line jumps. It is definetly a cool feeling hanging off a wing strut at 4,000'. So far my canopy work has been great, I was over my spots at 1,000' and 500' with no problems, my landings were good in my opinion even though they weren't standing landings, I did a kind of butt slide. I know it would be better to land on my feet, but any landing I can walk away from is a good landing. My 2 main problems is vocalizing my moves and keeping my head up, but I am working on those. I plan on going back either Wednesday or Thursday to hopefully finish my training. Then it is off student status, I can not wait for my first solo jump, then I plan on jumping with other people to learn from them.
So long and thanks for all the fish!!!

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Awesome! I just finished that program a couple weeks ago, I couldn't believe I actually got it all done in 2 days. I also did 4 jumps the first day, 6 the day after. That Cessna really makes you want to get out, huh? :D

As far as keeping your head up, if you're looking up for the aircraft it might help. It's definitely awesome to watch yourself drift away like that!

Everyone over there was just awesome, I can't wait to head back over there when I'm outta this place. AHHH!

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Way to go. Glad you are enjoying it.

I'm also a newbie that had the same problem with the butt-slide landings. For some reason new people often raise their feet when they pull down on the toggles. This can lead to major spinal damage.

The way I broke myself of the habit is that when I'm on final approach I repeat to myself several times: "Landing gear down and locked." This reminds me that my feet are my landing gear, so to speak, and they won't do any good if they are not down, together, and ready to PLF.

It may be a silly way to remind myself, but I still do it.

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What did you do on the last six jumps, on my 3rd and 4th jump I was unable to grab the ripcord due to the fact of being jerked by the static line, but they said nothing about doing any jumps over yet. So hopefully I won't have to redo those, but I know I will have to get it by my next jump.

Also where are you, what place do you need to get out of?
So long and thanks for all the fish!!!

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They didn't tell you what you were going to be doing on your next jump? hm. Uh. "THE ARMY" is where i need to get away from.. :( Any day now! YAYAY!
Who's your instructor?

Are you being all you can be?

Currently my instructor is Bill, the owner.
So long and thanks for all the fish!!!

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...The way I broke myself of the habit is that when I'm on final approach I repeat to myself several times: "Landing gear down and locked." This reminds me that my feet are my landing gear, so to speak, and they won't do any good if they are not down, together, and ready to PLF.

It may be a silly way to remind myself, but I still do it.

This is good...very good...not silly at all and it shows you are thinking and I'm sure when you say "locked" you don't really mean legs/knees locked straight.

I'm sorry, I just cringe when I see/hear someone say "butt-slide." It's an old, old pet peeve.

Side note: Static line scared the hell out of me but it was the only thing we had at the time and place I was. I kept worrying over Jumper-in-Tow malfunctions.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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...The way I broke myself of the habit is that when I'm on final approach I repeat to myself several times: "Landing gear down and locked." This reminds me that my feet are my landing gear, so to speak, and they won't do any good if they are not down, together, and ready to PLF.

It may be a silly way to remind myself, but I still do it.

This is good...very good...not silly at all and it shows you are thinking and I'm sure when you say "locked" you don't really mean legs/knees locked straight.

Thanks. By locked, I just mean not limp, ready to bear load.

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