
skydancing, Pat Works, Skratch... today?

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> I think I'd like to learn Skratchese or PatWorksian!

Hmmm .. I can often understand PatWorksian,
but I've never tried to speak it.

Can you imagine being in 10th grade English
trying to diagram some of his wilder zooms?

You'd probably sprain something!

Actually I did try once, and here's how far
I got before I had to stop and drink a couple

----------------| conjunctive
| | abstraction
subject \|/ |
--------- ------------- |
\ |-----------| adverbial
\ | / | crossover
\ participial | / |
\ dubiosity | / |
\--------- | / |
/ \ | parallel |
/ \-------------- embellishment
/ \ / |
/ \ / |
dangling \ / |
marsupial \-----/-----------

> Hod Sanders was saying that you and B.J. and he also learned how to speak Vodkaese after a hard day of jumping with the Russians,

Yes, that's a true story.

After the world meet in 1975 the three of us
went down to Portoroz, Yugoslavia to show the
USFET movies to the Russians and East Germans
and ...

Three long haired American hippies driving a
borrowed German car into a Soviet bloc country
with a bunch of movies to show the Russians.

Right! We're off to a good start!

We found the hotel that all the teams were staying
at, and BJ walks right up to the front desk and
asks for a room next to the Russian team.

The idea was that if the Russians started doing it
then everybody on that side would start.

The desk clerk kind of freaked out, but this
senior lady came out and explained that while
that was out of the question, we would be allowed
to rent a room, and then she gave us a room
right in the middle of the Russian team!

I remember the night that Hod is referring to.

We're in a hotel room, one of the Russian guys
pulls out a liter of vodka, and a glass, like
an eight ounce water glass.

He pours it pretty full, and drinks it right
down. I'm thinking "Holy Cow!".

Then he fills it up again and hands it to me.

Not wanting to appear ignorant and uncultured,
I drank it right down too.

Then he hands it to BJ, and Hod ...

But I seem to remember that while BJ and I were
focused on delicate, high level, international
negotiations, like how can we show everybody the
movies and get some free jumps with them, Hod was
putting more effort into a different aspect of
international diplomacy - meeting local girls.

You might ask him about that if he hasn't gotten
married or something.


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But I seem to remember that while BJ and I were
focused on delicate, high level, international
negotiations, like how can we show everybody the
movies and get some free jumps with them, Hod was
putting more effort into a different aspect of
international diplomacy - meeting local girls.

You might ask him about that if he hasn't gotten
married or something.


Oh, you make me laugh Skratch. Yes, Hod is married to a nice gal named Tina. He has a boy named B.J. (of all names). I think he should have named him Skratch....Steve1

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----------------| conjunctive
| | abstraction
subject \|/ |
--------- ------------- |
\ |-----------| adverbial
\ | / | crossover
\ participial | / |
\ dubiosity | / |
\--------- | / |
/ \ | parallel |
/ \-------------- embellishment
/ \ / |
/ \ / |
dangling \ / |
marsupial \-----/-----------

on a side note... After visiting some of your online website documents (http://indra.net/~bdaniels/ftw/sg_skr_dealing_1_uppers.html) and seeing this post - you have a gifted talent at using ASCII characters to draw pictures. It is quickly becoming a lost art form with computers designed to render 3D graphics using transparancy between objects....

Now I am going to run and get a dictionary and translate what you drew.:$

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I thought you might enjoy this picture, Skratch. I posted it a while back, but you might not have seen it. It shows Hod way on the left. He still makes about a million jumps every year. He's had about 25 malfunctions (mostly doing tandems). He can still fly like a bird when it comes to RW.

Walt Mercer is way to the right (On top). I know you and Jerry Bird used to jump his aircraft during the early days of jumping in California. Poor Walt had to quit flying jumpers a couple years back, when he developed a heart murmor, I think it was tough on him to quit flying loads.

Bob Smith is another old timer who helped train B.J., Hod, and the rest of us to jump, back in the day. He's way to the right, 2nd from the end (in the white jump suit). He was one of our jump pilots also, and he still goes on most of the over 60, World Record attempts.

I'm the young looking feller, way to the right. I haven't done anything famous yet, but I hope to some day.

This picture shows the silvertip skydivers, which (I've been told) is the oldest continually running collegiant club in the U.S. The only thing is that I don't think the club has a single collegiate jumper in it anymore. About half of us are just old farts trying to act like college kids again.

And the truth is most of us really can't drink that much anymore. A brewing company gave us a keg to drink if we'd take a picture of us drinking their beer. I think it was part of their advertising campaign....Steve1

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Lotsa Skratchese and PatWorksian blither at :


Therein is everything I could get from SKR and the other word smiths of the Skydance revolution. It's about 400 pages of words written for skydivers by skidivers.

Tasty! Yum!

Dig: "Head trips - philosophy and psychology
The skydive experience transcends normal existence. Freefall presents us with the opportunity to enter a joyful condition of flow. We skydive intricate dances on wings made of earth-pushed wind. The music of our sky dance is the rhythm of its flow.

The sky dance philosophy is love of wisdom or knowledge of the art of freefall relative work. The sky dance psychology is the mental process indicated to achieve and retain the sky dance philosophy.

The following articles are some head trips relating to the understanding of the above. Here are different approaches to relating to our thing of doing what we love to do: skydive."

Pat Works nee Madden Travis Works, Jr .B1575, C1798, D1813, Star Crest Solo#1, USPA#189,

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