
Skydiving for dummies?!?

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Hi guys and gals!

I'm really starting to think that a beginners guide of some sort is needed for all those strange and odd things you need to know about this sport (this is btw a post on silly things you can do that aren't dangerous so feel free to post any reply keeping with the feeling of this post).

So I needed to buy some rubberbands for my newly bought first rig (tube stows or whatever they are called in English) so I went to the online skydiving store and looked up rubber bands... it turns out they are sold by weight and then I just realized that I have absolutely no clue of how much a rubber band weighs!

Googled it without any answers popping up so I tried to figure out a reasonable weight to buy, came up with 0,5kg (about 1,1 lbs) so I ordered it and got it in the mail today... man I got five rather big bags of rubberbands!!! It would take me a couple of years to use all of those things!!! (and I know they'll go old long before that)

So I guess I'll sell them off to other skydivers but man I just found another thing they didn't teach me!!! :D
Blue skies!

Anders Samuelsson

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Here's a better idea for your rubber bands.

Buy some small plastic bags (like sandwich bags). Put a small handful of rubber bands in each bag (30-40). Hand out the bags to other jumpers in the beginning of your skydiving season, maybe during Safety Day. Everybody needs them and the cost is cheap.

Remember to keep some for yourself.

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Here's a better idea for your rubber bands.

Buy some small plastic bags (like sandwich bags). Put a small handful of rubber bands in each bag (30-40). Hand out the bags to other jumpers in the beginning of your skydiving season, maybe during Safety Day. Everybody needs them and the cost is cheap.

Remember to keep some for yourself.

Hey that's a great idea!!!
Blue skies!

Anders Samuelsson

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I can relate. It took me forever to figure out how many cans of ohms I needed to recharge my Cypres batteries.

Ever wonder why they only sell prop wash by the gallon?! :)

....and flight line, by the foot?

Lotsa' stuff I've wondered about...Can you buy skydiving stuff with a gear-check? Why don't they start the meter, when they taxi the plane? Do they call it being "on final"...'coz they don't expect you to survive the landing?! If I make a jump and my main fails...then my reserve fails...how the heck do I get down?! How often am I supposed to wind this altithermometer thing...and howsa' come it ain't tickin'!?

Cypres batteries....no sweat, you can turn 'em out on a small lathe.
"T'was ever thus."

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