
AFF Question

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At my DZ I prepaid for all levels of AFF. I completed level 5 last Sunday. Now the DZ is telling me there may not be an AFF Instructor for me to jump this weekend. The owners are pulling everyone to another DZ they own. How should I feel about this and what should I do?

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Do you know what Level 5 is in relation to the USPA "Catagories" System? It may be that if you did the dissorientating manuevers you could be jumping with a Coach and the AFF-I shortage won't effect you. Provided you meet the requirments for the Self Supervised / Coach phase of the program.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Level 5 was my Cat D-II jump. MY next level 6 is Cat E-1.
My maneuvers so far has been tracking and turns with a solo dive exit. I just feel as aprepaid student there should be an AFF Instructor available and not being called off to another DZ and leave me hanging.

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At my DZ I prepaid for all levels of AFF. I completed level 5 last Sunday. Now the DZ is telling me there may not be an AFF Instructor for me to jump this weekend. The owners are pulling everyone to another DZ they own. How should I feel about this and what should I do?

1. Is the other DZ "reasonably" close, AND will the owners let you make your pre-paid jumps at that other DZ, too?

2. Even if there won't be an AFF instructor at that DZ this weekend, will there be one there sometime within the reasonable future?

If the answer to either question is Yes, I don't see it as a real problem. Only if the answer is No to both questions would this raise a real concern. If you haven't gotten the answers to these questions from the DZO yet, do so first, before letting yourself get annoyed.



I just feel as aprepaid student there should be an AFF Instructor available and not being called off to another DZ and leave me hanging.

Does your contract specify that there will be an instructor available there whenever you choose to jump? Because if not, then I think you're being a bit too demanding.

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Many of the instructors at my home dz are on a demo team, and sometimes they have to go do demos on the weekends. I was told to call up and see if they were there before coming up to do any AFF jumps. It happens. Sometimes the instructors have other jumps to attend to, or maybe a family illness or something has taken one of them away for the weekend : You can't start being judgmental without knowing the full situation.

Be glad they're offing you an option to still jump this weekend. Otherwise suck it up and wait another week.
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Level 5 was my Cat D-II jump. MY next level 6 is Cat E-1.
My maneuvers so far has been tracking and turns with a solo dive exit. I just feel as aprepaid student there should be an AFF Instructor available and not being called off to another DZ and leave me hanging.

Simple answer may not be popular but it is what it is....

Hate to say it but blow it off. I'm an instructor and sometimes I'm not available to jump with students.

Get used to skydiving being less service oriented than you'd expect from typical companies. There is no support team, just a bunch of people who gather in the same place to fall.

You'll be done in no time and moving on in your skydiving career.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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I pre-paid for my AFF too. However, I didn't assume that meant that I could jump whenever I wanted. I knew that there was a limited supply of instructors and that I needed to make reservations for AVAILABLE slots.

Smile, Breathe, Relax. B|B|B|

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