
AFF solo exits - how to make yourself let go?

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Thanks for all the awesome advice everybody!!

Well after 2 weeks of weather detainments, I went and did level 6 again. I have been at the DZ a few times just at the mock up door by myself doing the exit over and over again to try to get letting go ingrained in my muscle memory.

So I got on the plane (XL as I had been practicing for) and after about 10 seconds, the plane had a flat tyre so we had to swap to the Skyvan. I got really excited because it seems impossible to not let go in the skyvan. So as soon as we got on the new plane I was so much happier and excited and calmed down heaps. Time for the exit- walked to the door, got in position, and then froze. Really. I looked at the JM standing infront of me and said 'please push me'. So he did. And it was fine, awesome jump. During de-briefing he decided that there was no point continually failing me because of the exit since I had the freefall stuff down pat so I got progressed to level 7 and told that we would keep working on the exit.

Now level 7 is a dive exit.. We got in the XL (was repaired) ready to go. My stomach was in knots. As we started climbing to altitude, the plane was ridiculously turbulent. I am already deathly petrified of small planes so I was flipping out. There were clouds from about 12000 to 8000. I was being thrown around the plane seriously about to cry. The JM told me there was no way he was going to take me out (he didnt want me tracking in the clouds) and so I ended up riding down with the plane which is the best thing that could've happened that day.

I'm at the mindframe where I am tempted to keep putting it off but I've decided that if I want to do that, I may as well quit (which I really don't want to do). So now I have to tackle the diving exit on Saturday. Ahhh. Any words of wisdom?

I'm beginning to wonder if this door fear is just a construction of my brain. I wish I had a 100 jumps. It's so frustrating because I do everything I can but as soon as I get up there, I freeze. Ahhhhhh.

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Good for you for facing the Skyvan exit ... I didn't jump a tailgate till I had about 60 jumps and it was still a bit weird for me.

Something very surprising happened for me with diving exits. I had a lot of angst over them, and I thought I would hate them, and I thought they would be really uncomfortable and that I would go back to poised exits the second I had a chance.

Guess what? I LOVED them. They quickly became my favorite way to exit an airplane. They still are. :)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Do you think that with dive exits the fact that you can see where you're going made it easier and more enjoyable for you?

See the thing for me is I'm a hesitator. I will get into position, do my exit count but before the go part my brain will say.. I don't know if I'm actually really ready.. and I'll freeze.

I know I'm probably overthinking this but if I don't overanalyze and come to peace with every fear and anxiety I have before Saturday, it will all happen on the ride up and that will suck.

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Initially, I'm not sure why I liked them so much, I just did. Maybe it was that "superman" feeling, like "woo hoo I'm flying!"

These days, I think it's fun to dive after a formation, but it's also fun to totally nail a launch of the base of a formation.

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you're over-thinking this, IMO. I just exited student status a couple days ago, but still feel a pang of anxiety every time I walk to the door. But it's just that; anxiety. I don't know how your exit dive will go, but in my case, I poised at the door grasping my ankles, no count, instructor tipped me out as my unstable exit. I did two somersaults and arched. It was the most fun dive I've had yet, and so the next day, on my first dive as a novice, I exited almost the same way. It's exhilarating.
The more you keep talking about how frightened you are, the more you convince yourself you're frightened. Stop doing that. Either you want to fly or you don't. If you do, work on positive mental conditioning, not negative mental conditioning.
Simply sit on the edge of your bed at night and picture yourself walking up to the exit and gracefully entering the sky in which you love to fly.
Enjoy the ride, enjoy the exit, enjoy the freefall, and picture that beautiful stand-up landing under smooth winds, blue skies, and successful finish to your student program.

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Dive exits is the only thing I really ENJOY :-) I feel I have much more control when I can dive out, even if I didn't exactly LOOK out on my first 25 or so dive exits. When I was doing the low-alti solo jumps to get my A (we do 6 jumps >8000 (I think), then 2 from 5000 and 3500) I was supposed to exit with the back towards the tailgate, but I couldn't do it. I told my instructor it was no way I was doing that, but I had been stable within 2 seconds on my former dive exits so could I PLEASE try that first? Luckily he said yes :-)

I still don't feel quite comfortable with exiting like this, but I accept my position if I am jumping with someone, take a deep breath and try not to think about the exit at all when I am at the ramp. (And yes, I am now suggesting that I stand with my back towards the door, so I HAVE to work with my fear.)

I did AFF from a side door plane. I asked if I could do a regular exit at level 7, because I had been a bit unsymmetric, hesistated etc before I finally did a perfect(ish) exit on level 6 and wanted to try once more. I said I was going to finish level 8 (solo) at a DZ with a taildoor plane so I could learn it there, and it was ok for them.

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Is it an option for the instructor to dive first and then you follow? This is how it was done on my level 6. It might be easier that way since you have to react very quickly to catch him with no time to think about it. Overthinking is not a good thing in this sport, or so I've been told. :$

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Is it an option for the instructor to dive first and then you follow? This is how it was done on my level 6. It might be easier that way since you have to react very quickly to catch him with no time to think about it. Overthinking is not a good thing in this sport, or so I've been told. :$

Hahahaha if I tried that, I would stay on the plane. I'm feeling a bit better about doing a dive exit - I figure at least I can see where I'm going.

Btw, are you in Sydney at the moment? Would love to catch up. :)

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I used to worry about my exits and it came down to that I wasn't confident I could get stable if I had a bad exit. So I did a jump with nothing but barrel rolls, back and front loops, and that fixed me up good....I know I can get stable.

Poised exits can be a blast...inside the plane, facing the front, you side step out to face the relative wind then track away from the plane. For a moment you are flying in formation with the jump plane.

This past weekend I tried a rear floating exit where I just closed my eyes and let go of the outside grips...relaxed my body and did a deep inhale/exhale, opened my eyes, flipped onto my belly and continued on with the jump. Was a good moment.

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Exits make me horny. I swear I'd be packing wood if the jumpsuits werent so tight. Its not jumping off at all, its flying out/off the door.

YES YES YES.... This for me is what makes me excited, when wuffos ask: what's the best part? I always say, getting out of the plane! It's like going into another dimension!

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My first free fall was from a Casa, and I learned from Casas and C-130s. I never did a door exit until about jump 23. It really helps when you're learning to dive to have the instructor poise out in front of you. My first jump, he had me put my hands on his shoulders on the ramp, and just lightly push him off. It will help you keep your head up, give you a target at 45 degrees to dive to, and it keeps your eyes off the ground.


" Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man..."

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Now level 7 is a dive exit.. We got in the XL (was repaired) ready to go. My stomach was in knots. As we started climbing to altitude, the plane was ridiculously turbulent. I am already deathly petrified of small planes so I was flipping out. There were clouds from about 12000 to 8000. I was being thrown around the plane seriously about to cry. The JM told me there was no way he was going to take me out (he didnt want me tracking in the clouds) and so I ended up riding down with the plane which is the best thing that could've happened that day.


You may not know it but I was on that load with you (I was the guy with just a tshirt on about to freeze my ass off on a tracking jump! Black rig with yellow stripey bits). It was insanely turbulent, it's normal to freak out when the plane's doing all that. I seriously thought you were going to vomit all over me, and that would not have been a good thing, as it would've caused me to vomit too ;)

Keep at it! Remember, you have a parachute, two actually! Worst case scenario you'll have to jump out and use it, which you were going to do anyway!

Will probably see you tomorrow I guess!

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I did it! I did it! I did it!

My JM today (Adam) refused to push me.. and I actually went myself on the exit count. Did it twice too! Yay!! Exit fear is over!! Diving exits are so much better!!!! Finally!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to get off AFF (praying for good weather)!

Thank you to everyone who gave me advice, you guys are awesome. I learned the trick - don't think about it. Yay!!!!

Jason: come say hello so I can put a face to the name!

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