
iPhone users wanted to test skydiving app

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I've created a skydiving app which uses your iPhone to automatically log your jumps. I've recently added some new features that I need help with testing in a Beta version of the app. Unfortunately all of my usual testers have gone into hibernation for the winter, so I'm looking for volunteers who either live somewhere they can still jump without freezing their tail feathers off, or are going on a jumping holiday somewhere nice and warm.

All I need you to do is use the app to record your jumps and email me the logs at the end of the day so I can check if everything is working ok. It's also helpful if you let me know if you spot anything that's wrong (e.g. an incorrectly reported exit height).

There are a few other things to bear in mind:
* For safety I'd recommend you have at least 200 jumps, or as a guide, whatever the criteria are for jumping camera in your country (whichever is greater). If in doubt talk to an instructor. I'm being cautious here: you don't need to touch your phone after take off - just have it stashed safely in a zipped pocket.
* Your iPhone must be running iOS 9.3 or later.
* The accuracy of the app is limited on the iPhone SE and the 5s and below. This is because it has to make do with GPS and can't use the altimeter built into newer iPhones.
* I don't make any money from the app, so I can't pay you for helping to test it, but I will add your name to the Acknowledgements page.
* The logs I need will include your location, altitude, etc from whenever the app was in "Record" mode. However if you only switch "Record" on when you're at the DZ, I'll only get to see the location of your DZ and where you were flying. The app also makes it easy to choose which days to email me logs for, so it's easy to leave stuff out if you don't want me to see anything.
* I'm working on adding support for the BadELf family of bluetooth GPS units. This will allow much more accurate data and higher speed sampling. If you have one of these units I'd really appreciate your help testing this feature.
* I’d love to hear your feedback and any suggestions you have for additional features.

To take part, you’ll need to install the app through Apple’s official TestFlight system (see https://developer.apple.com/testflight/). If you're interested, just PM me your email address and I’ll send you an invitation.

Thanks in advance,


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