
Westboro Baptist Church versus Kim Davis

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I thought it was a gag when I saw an article about this, but it looks like it is for real. WBC really has a burr up it's butt over Kim's four marriages and, (believe it or not), are saying she should shut up and issue marriage licenses to gays.:o

PDF file outlining their disgust with her:http://www.godhatesfags.com/fliers/20151011_Rowan-County-Courthouse.pdf

WBC picketing schedule, with Kim discussed around the middle third of the page: http://www.godhatesfags.com/schedule.html

There is also a video of Johnathon Phelps rambling on for over 11 minutes about Davis, but I lost the link to it.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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My personal favorite:

U.S. Marine Matthew Snyder (2006): When Westboro members, including Phelps, picketed the March, 2006, funeral of Matthew Snyder, a Marine killed in Iraq, it sparked a case that went to the Supreme Court in 2010. The high court decided in an 8-1 decision that the church's actions were protected under free speech. Westboro has picketed numerous military funerals dating before and after Snyder's.

(But somehow the second amendment is open for debate)

I attached the photo from from a funeral in NY for a Soldier killed in Iraq.

They also showed up to the funeral of a close friend of mine. He died of multiple gunshot and shrapnel wounds suffered over the course of a seven hour battle, but he didn't stop fighting until he collapsed. Other men came home to their families as a direct result of Daves selflessness.

From he local paper:

"They're certainly welcome to roam the streets and contact the press. That's basically what David died for, that they'd have the right to do that," said Rich Dinsmore, spokesman for Weir's family. Weir is survived by his wife, Alison, and their young son Gavin.

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