
Fight against skydiving tax in Washington State

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Call to arms!

HB 1550, which among other things, will tax skydiving, passed in the Washington State House of Representatives and has been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Ways and Means Committee in Olympia on Wednesday, March 25 @ 3:30 pm. If you are a Washington State resident or plan to skydive in Washington, it would be great if you can make it to the hearing and testify against this portion of the bill, or write to your Senator or any member of the Ways and Means Committee requesting their vote against the bill as long as it contains a provision to tax skydiving. Taxing skydiving is in violation of federal law.

Details about the bill and an easy comment feature is at apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?year=2015&bill=1550

Details about why skydiving taxation is against federal law is at USPA's website here: www.uspa.org/Portals/0/Downloads/2013DOTOpinion.pdf
My Dad used to ask me if someone jumped off a bridge would I do that too? No, but if they jumped out of an airplane, that's a different question...

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