
D. Oz and Jawbreakers

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I just wanted to remind folks not to heat rice up in a microwave and put their feet into it as a sleep remedy without some way of measuring the temperature first.

In our litagous society Dr Oz just won a victory because some nitwit burned his feet off following tv advice. Makes just as much sense as McDonalds loosing the hot coffee in the crotch case.

Speaking of lawsuits, Opeera can now talk about Beef! She won a lawsuit against her when she said beef is killing many Americans, (Obestiality and Cholerestra.) She is and was correct. But the Beef industry sewed her anyways...SHE won,...

But it cost her over 3.5 million in legal fees...

Boy Am I glad McDonalds dosent serve real beef anymore...:S

But in all seriousness:

Don't let your kids heat up those 2 inch jawbreakers candy in the microwave, they litereally explode in your mouth. (And not with flavor.) Another story about a kid in LA eating a hot jawbreaker and dying, hit the airlanes today!



My point being just a reminder about reading and watching shit on the media, do we really know better, raises the I don't know what I don't know argument,...

and how many actually take the next step to learn and or do what it actually takes by practicing EP's on a regular basis. I have heard ad infanatium about how we will miracurasly remember our procedures when and if we may need them...

This is total bullshit and delusional thinking. Every psyio study and real life example is full of skills that degrade over time, this is the reality of being a human.

But all of you enablers out there continue to spewe out shit that we will remember our EP's when the time comes.

But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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Makes just as much sense as McDonalds loosing the hot coffee in the crotch case.

If you're saying that, it's painfully obvious you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. This story has been spun so much by idiots who want to whine about the courts that what the public knows and what they thing they know are polar opposites. Shut up about this case unless or until you've read the brief from the Consumer Attorneys of California or, at the very least, seen the HBO documentary "Hot Coffee".
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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