
Why gun owners fear the United Nations

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Ahh...so now you see those that support the constitution as sheep.

Got it.

For some reason, I suddenly understand your obsession with wackos.

I refer to those who herded into gun shops to buy their AR15s on account of NRA scare tactics. Rather like sheep herded into a pen by a sheepdog nipping at their hind legs.

According to the Supreme Court, the Constitutional right to bear arms is not absolute. You aren't entitled to own an AR15 (not that I personally mind if you do).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I didn't see any herding here.
The people I know that went into a rush to buy (and there were TONS of them) pieced them together over the internet due to the price increases we saw just like the last time the gooberment tried to take away our weapons.
They failed then too.

In case you missed it.

I missed the NRA tactics myself as I don't care much for their organization at this point in time.
I do appreciate their presence in support of our constitutional rights though.

I must have missed the part where The Supremes told me I couldn't own an AR though.

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"The UN Boogeyman is coming for your guns!" No, he is coming for American sovereignty. This is just a small way of getting his foot in the door. Don't worry, there are thousands who vote that are dreaming of the day it will happen totally.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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***Well, when the gooberment uses words like "assault weapon", what other result would you expect?
I don't see a delineation in the constitution.

I completely expected the sheep to be herded just the way they were by the mouthpiece of the gun industry. Yeah, and the lemmings can follow the barrybaracks, algores, and Georgesoros's over the cliff.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Oh for fuck's sake, stop being an asshat ALL the time.

I replied to your last comment. Please do play along.

OK, not being entitled to an AR15 doesn't mean you can't have one.

Your turn.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I refer to those who herded into gun shops to buy their AR15s on account of NRA scare tactics. Rather like sheep herded into a pen by a sheepdog nipping at their hind legs.

They had a reasonable fear... Obama said he wanted to ban them. HE SAID THAT. You can't blame a person for thinking the President is not lying.

Besides the NRA members (Ironically, I am not one) are no worse than your ilk who support the VPC.


According to the Supreme Court, the Constitutional right to bear arms is not absolute. You aren't entitled to own an AR15 (not that I personally mind if you do)

FALSE. Read US v Miller 1939. "The Second Amendment protects only the ownership of military-type weapons appropriate for use in an organized militia."

"the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time”

So the AR15 is in common use, it is the single most popular semi automatic rifle ever made. And it is of a design that could be very useful in a militia.

Add in Heller where they state the right is an INDIVIDUAL right. Then add in McDonald where they say it is applied to the States...

And in fact you have the right to own an AR15.

You are going to try and claim that the Court did say some restrictions are allowed... Yep:

1. prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill

2. laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings

3. or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms

You are going to try and claim the 'dangerous and unusual' but the AR is not dangerous, it functions quite well and as already shown it is not unusual since it is the most common semi auto rifle in the US.

So you are wrong you are just as entitled to own an AR as you are entitled to vote.

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