
John Lennon was a Republican

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Lennon was always a conservative and capitalist and made a lot of money with his image of peace and love and distribution of property.

How about some examples?
(1) The man who is about love ditched his son, leaving Paul to write "Hey Jude"
(2) The man who sang about "No Possessions" filmed kicking a homeless man off of his country estate.
(3) The man who talked about empowerment and no possessions moved to the US to escape high taxes in England.

John Lennon was ALWAYS, at heart, greedy and self-centered. He maintained a public image that made him a lot of money. (Think of Al Gore, father of four, who in the last couple of weeks lectured on population control).

There was always a difference between how Lennon wanted himself to be viewed and how he was. I know that when he took time off from music in the 70's he did learn to be a dad. He learned to be comfortable with himself and somewhat grew up. It's a shame that he was killed when he was approaching that point where he could be comfortable with who he was.

I used to be a lefty myself back in the day and thought Lennon was brilliant - absolutely brilliant (!!). Since his death though, a lot of that old crap has really worn very thin and I view him more as a narcissist with a VERY inflated opinion of his own "importance".

I still like a lot of his music just the same, both for the memories of the times and because some of his songs really were brilliant. But he never was "St. John".

I also remember a very long time ago (1968 ?) reading an interview with Mick Jagger, in which Jagger said he'd like to retire from rock before he got old and go into politics, perhaps as a Labour Party MP. Well, don't look now, but Jagger's been a staunch Conservative now for well over thirty years. Unfortunately, he hasn't retired from rock eother....

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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