
Saudi force 'trained by UK'

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The Saudi Arabian National Guard sent into Bahrain to crush a popular uprising receives training from the British military, it was reported today.

The training including weapons and public order are organised by the British Military Mission to the Saudi Arabian National Guard, according to documents obtained by The Observer under the Freedom of Information Act.

The secretive group is said to consist of 11 British army staff under the command of a brigadier.

The disclosure, which provoked criticism from human rights campaigners, comes amid criticism that the Government has not been as tough in tackling the Bahraini and Syrian ruling regimes as it has in taking on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.

Nicholas Gilby of the Campaign Against the Arms Trade said: "Britain's important role in training the Saudi Arabian National Guard in internal security over many years has enabled them to develop tactics to help suppress the popular uprising in Bahrain."

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Certainly is disgusting... The Americans are selling the weapons to them in vast quantities also.

We can't have more poeple standing up for their rights, that would undermine the immense freedom and democracy the Saudi people already have, Lol.

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same in the uk...


Al Yamamah is the name of a series of a record arms sales by the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia, which have been paid for by the delivery of up to 600,000 barrels of crude oil per day to the UK government. The prime contractor has been BAE Systems and its predecessor British Aerospace. The first sales occurred in September 1985 and the most recent contract for 72 Eurofighter Typhoon multi-role fighters was signed in August 2006.

Mike Turner, the CEO of BAE Systems, said in August 2005 that BAE and its predecessor had earned £43 billion in twenty years from the contracts and that it could earn £40 billion more. It is Britain's largest ever export agreement, and employs some 5,000 people in Saudi Arabia.

In 2010, BAE Systems pleaded guilty to a United States court, to charges of false accounting and making misleading statements in connection with the sales.

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And the USA is not only selling them warplanes but training them how to use them in the USA.


Jamil... very very old news...

We had Saudi pilots training at USAF schools back in the mid 70's

Hell I even got some of them as students... oh joy...:S

Yea I know but I just wanted to point out that its not just the UK. (We've also been training their pilots for years). I think that they've stepped up the scale in the US recently though.
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How to explain the ferocity of the Bahraini al-Khalifa royal family's assault on the majority of its own people? Despite an end to martial law, the security forces show no signs of ceasing to beat detainees to the point of death, threaten schoolgirls with rape and force women to drink bottles of urine.

The systematic use of torture in Bahrain has all the demented savagery of the European witch trials in the 16th and 17th centuries. In both cases, interrogators wanted to give substance to imagined conspiracies by extracting forced confessions. In Europe, innocent women were forced to confess to witchcraft, while in Bahrain the aim of the torturers is to get their victims to admit to seeking to overthrow the government. Often they are accused of having treasonous links with Iran, something for which the New York-based Human Rights Watch says there is "zero evidence".

A simpler motive for the across-the-board repression of the Shia, who make up 70 per cent of the Arab population of Bahrain, is that it is a crude assertion of power by the Sunni ruling class backed by Saudi Arabia. The aim is simply to terrorise the Shia into never again demanding civil and political rights as they did during peaceful demonstrations which started on 14 February in emulation of protests in Egypt and Tunisia.

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