
Can you have an open minded conversation with a person from the opposition?

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Like the title says, can you be open minded?
I got into a religious discussion with a friend of mine who is a very devout christian, it was a good thought provoking hour long discussion with him on the side of god, me on the side of evolution. Neither of us is an expert on the subject, however he is probably more informed on his point of view than I am on mine as he has studied the bible far more than I have the evidence in support of evolution.
He never once said my belief was stupid or misinformed and I also avoided using any pointed attacks on his faith (*we are good friends)
We basically agreed to disagree, but we both enjoyed the points and counterpoints over lunch at olive garden - nothing was really achieved but I am sure the people around us were quite amused and or irritated by one of our points of view.

can you personally have a discussion with the opposing viewpoint without becoming upset or enraged with them? This could also be a conversation with the opposing political viewpoint, guns, capital punishment or any other subject that tends to lend itself to anger over percieved wrong thinking.

tldr; two guys arguing about a subject and didnt end up hating each other:P

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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>He never once said my belief was stupid or misinformed and I also
>avoided using any pointed attacks on his faith . . . .

Was this in person? Most people are much more civil in person than when they are hiding behind a keyboard. There are no consequences to rudeness when online. (Indeed, it is often rewarded online.)

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Hell yes! I love talking to a person that is open minded and has a diff. belief/opinion! I just wont waist my time with someone the is not open minded and ignores facts. Thats why i chose to stay out of most debates here;) My wife hates it (she normally walks away:D) when i get into political conversation with other people in public cause I have very strong views and wont hold them back regarless of who im talking with.

Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Was this in person? Most people are much more civil in person than when they are hiding behind a keyboard. ***

very good point Bill, I forgot to differentiate between online and in person...

But I have known Clyde since 1990 and have never once seen him be rude or even talk behind someones back (or hide behind a keyboard) I have seen him get mad, its kind of funny to see someone so set on not using profanity actually swearing without using swear words or vulgar statements - takes talent and practice - but rude or behind someones back, never seen him do it.

quite frankly his wife and him are the religious people that I think everyone should be...

They actually do as their religion preaches...tolerance and love, some people who profess to following the bible in fact do not.

The conversation we had was very enjoyable, neither of us could change the others mind, but the strength of his beliefs make me jealous, I cannot have faith like that - and I sure wish I could but cant manage to believe without proof.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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