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O.K. I'm tired of complaining about the situation. Time to think about how to dig out.

Wealth is still created fastest by the production of a product, either by processing raw materials or raw ideas. It doesn't seem to me that we are going to manufacture significantly more cars, washing machines, or doodads. To do that would take more factories and a bigger market which requires growing economies which there won't be for a while. I really doubt that building more houses is a viable option.

Information technology is a commodity which doesn't seem to indicate huge growth. You can't dig enough gold, silver, copper, or even iron ore out of the earth here at home to make a major improvement.

Our human capital isn't going to increase drastically, so sweat equity of any kind, blue, white, or green collar doesn't indicate major gains.

We have a great agri-industrial complex, but it isn't going to grow much. (No pun intended)

What do we have that we can sell, that has a huge market that is only getting bigger, and which price keeps going up. I'm thinking energy.

Sure it's going to take technology, but that much human capital we should be able to scrape up, along with some investment that may still be laying around.

Off shore + ANWR + Bakken + Green River + Unita and others. Horizontal drilling, Shell Oil's technology Appalachian natural gas. Who doubts American ingenuity and ability to excel when faced with adversity?

This might be survival or just a better way to bridge the gap to green, but it takes more than hope, it takes hard work and hard choices.

Sell the oil, develop genetic engineered bacteria, algae, Sterling Engine Solar, catalytic biofuel transformation for the future.

Seems like if we could turn all this vile and negative energy flying around these days into something productive we'd have something to look forward to instead of something to dread.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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We purchase 700B$/year in oil right now.

How will selling our dwindling supply help our economy out?


...but it takes more than hope, it takes hard work and hard choices

One point we agree on.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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I too see the future being energy, production, products, and everything related. I wish we could find a way to grab into the battery market better also.

Resource renewal is also something worth looking into, but not necessarily in the energy area, more like water purification, irrigation, more investment in Africa and South America.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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