
The grinch that stole the USO show

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**disclaimer**This story is actually bonfire material, but I've noticed there is a contigent of people who insist on getting entertaining stories moved to SC so I'm going to beat them to the punch and post it here.

So apparently I'm the grinch now! There was a USO show on my FOB last night, I had heard rumor of it but it wasn't any real famous celebrities so my team didn't attend. Instead we spent the evening disposing of some unusable 40MM rounds, there was a handful of them laying around the arms room when we moved in and I wanted to get rid of them so I had our engineers build some charges so we could clear them out. We took them out to the range at the back of our little compound and set them off a few at a time. We made it a point before we did this to call the base commanders office and let them know what we were doing so no one would panic when they heard the blast but apparently that wasn't enough. After the first charge went off the phone in our ops room started ringing off the hook telling us to cut it out because we were scaring the attendees at the USO show. Well that word didn't get from the ops room to me out on the range fast enough because right after that call we set off a second charge twice as big. We haven't gotten all the details yet but the rumor is that everyone at the show spent about 15 minutes hiding in a bunker thinking they were being hit with a rocket attack. I thought it was pretty damn funny it's like an April fools joke on steroids, and my boss got a kick out of it too , but apparently we're the only ones who saw the humor in it;)
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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LOL! I wish I had been there! No, wait. Where are you? No, I don't.


This isn't exactly the first time I've caused trouble for the rest of the FOB since I've been here this trip. Last week my buddy and I decided to see how big of a hole a thermite would put in the hood of a car so i dropped one on the vehicle body we have on the range for rehearsing vehicle takedowns. After the thermite burned out some of the metal was still smoldering and it was slowly spreading so I dumped a sandbag out on it to smother the flames. That didn't work so well and the fire was slowly creeping towards the dashboard, so my buddy started heading to the back of the range to grab a case of water and by the time he was 20 feet away it hit the dash and spread to the seats and the vehicle turned into one big fireball instantly pouring out a huge black cloud of smoke that covered the Helo pad. He walks back over to me and says "yeah so uh, that was a really bad idea!!"

There isn't much left of that ar anymore;)

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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This isn't exactly the first time I've caused trouble for the rest of the FOB since I've been here this trip. Last week my buddy and I decided to see how big of a hole a thermite would put in the hood of a car so i dropped one on the vehicle body we have on the range for rehearsing vehicle takedowns. After the thermite burned out some of the metal was still smoldering and it was slowly spreading so I dumped a sandbag out on it to smother the flames. That didn't work so well and the fire was slowly creeping towards the dashboard, so my buddy started heading to the back of the range to grab a case of water and by the time he was 20 feet away it hit the dash and spread to the seats and the vehicle turned into one big fireball instantly pouring out a huge black cloud of smoke that covered the Helo pad. He walks back over to me and says "yeah so uh, that was a really bad idea!!"

There isn't much left of that ar anymore;)

Saw it on video on CBS. The announcer was calling it a US Firebomb on what "may or may not have been a car with unarmed orphans in it" they were "uncertain if the potential orphans' grandparents were in the car with them"

Then they cut to Bush dancing.

It was very moving. Brought a tear to my eye. Bush dancing brought a different kind of crying.

Of course, Fox showed the same clip and announced it to be a huge victory against suicide bombers.

CNN showed the same clip and announced it as righteous environmentalist getting revenge against an SUV for the crime of existing.

The BBC chose not to air it and instead showed chesty woman playing patty cake for 57 minutes.

The BBC was the only one I stuck with until it ended.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Dude, you should write for Letterman! :D

No need for PAs here. What did I ever do to you?


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Dan admit you just wanted the front row and this was the only way to clear out the rif raf.


It was some crappy Air force ban I had never heard of before, no one from the team bothered to go, besides why would I want to go watch some band play when there was a cute little Korean girl from the CA unit across the FOB asking to come over and see me;)

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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That's a great story!! Hopefully some butt-cheeto won't give your team any detail requiring the clean up of yellow puddles. ;)

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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That's a great story!! Hopefully some butt-cheeto won't give your team any detail requiring the clean up of yellow puddles.


Yeah, those FOBits are scared little creatures that frighten easily:P

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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