
Free Press?

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Although its hard to have games like this on the internet because people cheat with a google search and then pretend to know the answer, lets try it anyway...

Who did the U.S attack and kill end Jan/early Feb this year... surely it was all over the news right?

Anna Nicole Smith?

Cynthia McKinney?

PeeWee Herman?

Generalissimo Francisco Franco?

Slutty Spice?

Am I close?

Or are you talking about the Day the Music Died?:(

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Who did the U.S attack and kill end Jan/early Feb this year... surely it was all over the news right?

Please enlighten us.

30+ Somalian peasants

"Al-Qaeda" suspected of bombing U.S African embassy in 98 are suspected of hiding in rural Somalian villages -> U.S send in $190 million dollar gunship and shoot the place up -> 30+ dead civilians and no Al-Qaeda -> All under the green light given by Somalian "government"

Now this raises questions in itself

Where is the fabled delta force and Chuck Norris who throughout the 80s and 90s to our viewing pleasure tactically brought terrorists to justice?


What right do the U.S, the beacon of justice, have to blow the shit out of suspected terrorists without a trial. The cynical answer being they are in rural Somalia so no one gives a fuck and justice goes out the window

Of course given the thinking of many people they find it hard to see how this was state terrorism, especially with the approval of the Somalian “government”. However this is clearly a very good example of the U.S committing terrorism. Here is some contrast…

Swiss terrorists suspected of bombing Canadian – European embassies in 98 are suspected of hiding in small town USA -> Canada send $190 million dollar gunship and shoot the place up -> 30+ dead U.S citizens and no Swiss terrorists -> All under the green light given by the U.S government

If that happened I don’t you could find an American from the gun loving Muslim hating to the hippy weed smoking that would not consider that a state terrorist act by both the Canadian government and their own against the people of America.

But Somalia is full of mostly black African Muslims so who gives a fuck right?

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Wow. :o

Could you provide a link? I ask because what you're talking about sounds like a US airstrike in early January, but the details in the stories I read are decidedly different than your claims.

Additionally, your comparison of the US providing support to third world government (fighting insurgent/rebel forces), to Canada launching an attack, against a lone terrorist, within the US, is an apples and oranges analogy.

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Well, I guess I define "Free Press" as a collection of objective, investigative, impartial, governmental monitoring publications for delivering information for dissemination to the citizens of the country where this 'free press' supposedly exists.

We do not have that in the US. I suspect we have a 'managed press' as we get very partial and one-sided information, meant to influence our thinking to various government approved ways of thought. Independent thought is ultimately not encouraged. Everything is black or white, no gray. You are either with us or you are with the terrorists.

I did read many of the pages from the link you posted. Very interesting site. While the video I posted was accused of being propaganda, that site seemed even more so to me.

Please look at this site to 'debunk' your 'debunk'. :P

Orthodox Torah Jews DO NOT support the Zionist state of Israel, but this would obviously not be covered in the US Media. Just the same as horrific black on white crime is not covered, nor the abolishment of our civil rights to protect us from 'terrorists', toxic GM corn, Mexican truck drivers driving Mexican trucks in the US, how states with conceal carry laws actually have lower crime rates, Electronic voting machines, Clinton dismissing all the investigations Bush Sr was involved in. Why are they not investigating these insane profits the oil companies are reporting, and see if there is some relation to the insane prices we are paying at the pump, and see if 'wal-marting' the gas prices back in the late 90's and putting the little refineries out of biz, then buying up their foreclosed properties to have better control of the spigot? See if buying up the patents of your superior competition, then mothballing that superior technology in favor of status quo could be considered a crime of some sort in the public eye. I bet it would.

I'm sorry, with all these 'expert reporters' out there giving us Anna Nichole ad nausem and other Hollywood related BS, I find the video I suggested very informative and somewhat indicative of why I call it an 'idiot box'

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Here is a excellent example of our 'managed press'


This ABC 'news' story states Cho bought Ammo from Ebay. If you read the article, it only states he bought 2 10 round clips then magically, the clips turn into ammo. But ammo is not sold on ebay! :o Magazines are, but not sure what is wrong with that.

I suppose could be considered a mistake, but it looks intentionally deceiving to me. Other opinions?

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Well, I guess I define "Free Press" as a collection of objective, investigative, impartial, governmental monitoring publications for delivering information for dissemination to the citizens of the country where this 'free press' supposedly exists.

What you would think it objective and impartial would not be so to others. So what are we to do? How about let people decide for themselves?

Are you complaining that there are no such publications available, or that they are not popular enough, or is it that the publications that you think aren't objective and impartial shouldn't be allowed?

The only "management" of the press is done by the marketplace. The marketplace decided that Fox News would be very popular. I admit that they are biased to the right of most other media sources.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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