
US and Saudi Arabia partnership?

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Why do Americans give their lives for Iraqi people? It is likely that the US and the Saudia Arabian government are working together to create and exacerbate a civil war in Iraq so that US can keep the terrorists busy in the Middle East rather than in the US. Saudi Arabia would benefit from a destablized Iraq because it has always been Saudi Arabia's goal to take over Iraq oil. Also, the US has enough intelligence and experience to know that keeping the Iraq borders open with Iran and Syria would keep Iraq unstable; again keeping the terrorists busy over there.

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Why do Americans give their lives for Iraqi people? It is likely that the US and the Saudia Arabian government are working together to create and exacerbate a civil war in Iraq so that US can keep the terrorists busy in the Middle East rather than in the US. Saudi Arabia would benefit from a destablized Iraq because it has always been Saudi Arabia's goal to take over Iraq oil. Also, the US has enough intelligence and experience to know that keeping the Iraq borders open with Iran and Syria would keep Iraq unstable; again keeping the terrorists busy over there.

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Here is what I do know... we dont' have an oil pipeline running from Iraq to the states, BUT with this resource being so important to our economy, WHY would we sell off so many US refinery stations to British Petrolium as they have created the largest influx of gas prices against us statistically versus Hugo Chavez and Citgo????????

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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Here is what I do know... we dont' have an oil pipeline running from Iraq to the states, BUT with this resource being so important to our economy, WHY would we sell off so many US refinery stations to British Petrolium as they have created the largest influx of gas prices against us statistically versus Hugo Chavez and Citgo????????

The oil price issues we're having don't have much to do with the middle east, it has more to do with the refining capacity and throughput here in the states. We haven't built a refinery in about 30+ years. Since then, our country, economy, has grown about 800% in every measure.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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The oil price issues we're having don't have much to do with the middle east, it has more to do with the refining capacity and throughput here in the states. We haven't built a refinery in about 30+ years. Since then, our country, economy, has grown about 800% in every measure.

That also is a big reason for price changes.....

What's sad is that we are so involved in our adult-childhood lives, worrying about the next head coach for the Dallas Cowboys and the next American Idol to even care about holding our government accountable to us. Hollywood has become our "Matrix" to allow Washington to do as they feel

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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The oil price issues we're having don't have much to do with the middle east, it has more to do with the refining capacity and throughput here in the states. We haven't built a refinery in about 30+ years. Since then, our country, economy, has grown about 800% in every measure.

And anyone who thinks it's because the greedy oil people are too lazy to care is just beyond redemption. "They're greedy enough to lie cheat and steal but too lazy to make money." uh huh...
(not saying this is you at all, but these freaks are out there)

The only reason there haven't been more refineries built is because the US government has made is impossible to build a new plant that would actually make any moeny.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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The only reason there haven't been more refineries built is because the US government has made is impossible to build a new plant that would actually make any moeny.

Not to mention the PETA activists pushing the ridiculous issue about not drilling in Alaska due to harming a particular type of mosquito which is close to becoming extinct. Traditionally these activist groups side with the Democratic party which currently has control of Congress.

Here is what I don't understand...

1. If drilling commenced, what specific harm is done to the mosquitoes? (And I want details, not speculation)

2. What's more important right now, affordable gas so you can support your family, or blood thirsty insects which carry malaria?

3. Why is it that PETA refuses to acknowledge professional input from Wildlife specialists, and Alaska's own two senators who have stated on record that the location of drilling would not harm the mosquitoes anyway?

4. Tell me what food chain would be effected by their disappearence because I don't know of any snow creature that would suffer by their death?

5. Do PETA activists speak this loud when they have the Orkin Man or Truly Nowlin show up with 10 gallons of Anti-Roach, Anti-ant, and Anti-Spider chemicals to ensure their own house is rid of all pests??? Or do they simply allow all creepy crawlers to reside with them in perfect mother-earth harmony as the roaches play Track and Field across their clean dishes in the cabnits???

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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The only reason there haven't been more refineries built is because the US government has made is impossible to build a new plant that would actually make any moeny.

You can always make money in the oil industry. The biggest block of building more infrastructure in this country has been the NIMBYs...(N.ot I.n M.y B.ack Y.ard)

President Bush proposed that we could use closed down military bases as sights for new refineries, but for whatever reason, he didn't push the issue and it didn't gain any traction. It's a great idea, lots of space and infrastructure for materials, and the local communities would like having the new jobs to replace the exiting military presence.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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4. Tell me what food chain would be effected by their disappearence because I don't know of any snow creature that would suffer by their death?

well, actually the mosquito is crucial to the food chain: mosquitos & their larva are one of the main foods of young salmon. and salmon are an important food source for bears & humans
Speed Racer

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4. Tell me what food chain would be effected by their disappearence because I don't know of any snow creature that would suffer by their death?

well, actually the mosquito is crucial to the food chain: mosquitos & their larva are one of the main foods of young salmon. and salmon are an important food source for bears & humans

But question #4 is the main issue... no one wants to hear the advice of the professionals from wildlife... they only want to hear what they want.

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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