
Have your political views changed in the last four years?

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So, have the past four years changed your view of the national political parties in general?

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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I don't think I've moved more left or right... more like I've moved further away from both. I don't like the financial controls of the left, and I don't like the social controls of the right. However, if I'm left with the choice of giving up one freedom or another, I'd prefer to keep my social freedom.

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why can you move only to the left or to the right? How about up or down?

I've moved up, but its been a gradual process over much more than four years.

good point ive gone up to, but oppisite of zippo, it seems i get pushed more right..left is going to strong towards communism that they dont see it..its a great idea but will never be successful due to too many lazy people wanting a handout. YOu do have to love the icredible qoutes they come up with on what social medicine will cost..they forget we have way more ilegals then other social medicine countries..that and im sure the doctors wouldnt appreciate the 20 dollars an hour they would be forced to take to keep in the liberal qoute:S
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Moving from Washington state back to Kalifornia changed them a lot. In WA it was easy to identify with the Dems, as Republicans were so off the wall they ran a scary whacko Jesus lady for governor ten years ago and made "the teaching of witchcraft in public schools" a major campaign issue (pause for Twilight Zone theme music).

However, down here in Kali, the Dems are plainly tripping on blotter acid. That and the Republicans are still mostly the party of White Genetic Purity. Kind of makes it tough on those of us who just want to own a home, send the kids to college and maybe get the potholes filled....

But I went and voted for Arnold the Governator because he's just the kind of realist we need for an ungovernable state. And I'll vote for him again. I don't like or agree with everything he does, but I knew I wouldn't going in because he has tough choices to make by the thousands.

I've come around completely on the issue of gun control, especially after the Hurricane Katrina floods in New Orleans. Even after the schoolhouse shooting in PA, which leaves me feeling sick and numb, I don't believe outlawing guns would have prevented it. Guns are already here, they're here to stay, so we might as well allow law abiding citizens to own them as well. So that's a complete 180 turnaround.

Maybe it's just because I'm older and have a shorter temper. I'm NOT a Republican and never will be, but have bcome a much more conservative independent voter.

And Bush still sucks.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Your poll lacked the appropriate response for me.

Basically, I used to identify with the green party. Now, I would identify with no party. There is absolutely no political party who would uphold all, hell even half of the views I hold. None.

This is partly the result of the parties not doing their jobs, and partly because of a change in my view about a great many things.

So I went from Liberal, to frustrated and apathetic.

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There is absolutely no political party who would uphold all, hell even half of the views I hold. None.

This is partly the result of the parties not doing their jobs.

Well a lot of that's because we don't have a Parliamentary system, where the parties of any persuasion are held closely to their platforms. You can even get drummed out of a party for voting the "wrong" way, unless the leader okays "voting your conscience". But since we in the US won't be going Parliamentary either, we have two huge parties that go on absorbing popular and reformist movements into their fold. Neither the Dems or the Repubs of today look anything like their 19th century forebears, and yet they're still the same legal entities.

Anyway, no matter kind of a party system we have, or anyone else has, everybody still has to give a little. The parties that are all about us usually end somewhere around the seventh birthday.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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