
Cartoons in Egyptian newspaper ??

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Skratch, it looks like it's for real, but not as a reprint but more as an editorial. But the real question, from what I can see, about this entire episode is twofold.

1. Why the delay in the upset?
2. How long will we (the West and Europe) be held hostage by people who have no problem 6 months after the fact creating such an uproar that people are dying...

From what I've heard 'round the edges, the cartoons that people are protesting may not even be the ones published, but others (perhaps created for this "event") that are obscene (according to our standards). Not sure just what to believe, at this point, but it sure looks like propagandizing is indeed going on, and flames being fanned.



(PS: it's great to see you here! :)

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Okay, I really mean just ONE religious faith.:|

Peej, I'm going to narrow the field just a bit more (not saying you haven't a right to your opinion, just defining mine a bit more thoroughly).

As people who call themselves Jewish, there are many different ways to practice that religion: Reformed, Orthodox, Reformed Orthodox, et cetera; just as those who call themelves Christain have many different ways to practice that religion: Baptists, Catholics, Untiarian, Lutheran; just as those who practice buddhism, or hinduism, or Zoroastrianism...all have different ways within that religion to practice their faith.

The same must be seen in Islam, and I for one do see it...I don't know their "sects" as well as I know the Judeo/Christian ones, but I know they exist. Because of that, I'll agree with your statement that this is showing true faces, but only of one sect of Islam. I cannot agree with it as a blanket one.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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The same must be seen in Islam, and I for one do see it...I don't know their "sects" as well as I know the Judeo/Christian ones, but I know they exist. Because of that, I'll agree with your statement that this is showing true faces, but only of one sect of Islam. I cannot agree with it as a blanket one.


Do Christian sects massacre members of other Christian sects? (Well, maybe in other countries they have a history of doing so, but I don't see that in the U.S...)

Of course I realize that not all muslims are murderous zealots. I give that fact short shrift on this forum in part because I feel righteous indignation that anyone feels their religious sensitivity should trump the right to free expression and criticism; and part because it's so easy to play the role of the intolerant bigot to a bunch of people who desperately want to see me that way so they themselves have someone to revile.

Look at how many people here think I must be the most insensitive, uncompassionate, hypercritical, judgmental, selfish bastard to come along in forever. Do you think they way they do? Or do you accept that you don't truly know any of the people here if all you've done is read their posts. You don't know what it'd be like to go to dinner with me, watch a movie with me, skydive with me, go flying with me, cook with me, take a walk with me... But plenty of people here think they do, and can write me off. (And not just me, but others as well.)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Jeffrey, going off on me is inappropriate. At no point in my post was I painting you with any sort of brush.

BTW, the conversation isn't really about you; rather, it's about those who would hold the rest of the world hostage to cartoons; said cartoons having been first circulated 6 months ago, and only now becoming an issue.

Why is that? What is going on in the fanatic's world that it is acceptable to kill over a piece of paper? Is the "clash of civilizations" to be started with a drawing?

And at what point do we, as Americans, stand up and say "no, you will not take my free speech away."

Free speech is really only important when one person has a different view than others. It is not there to protect me from agreeing with others, but from disagreeing, and expressing that disagreement in a manner acceptable (i.e. peaceful, or in art, or in writing) to the general public.

That, imho, is the real question...how one balances a global free speech concept with people of vast differences of opinion, lifestyle, and religion. And at what point does someone's "right" to not be offended cross another's right to free speech?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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> PS: it's great to see you here!


I haven't been around much the last few months.

Last year I gave up trying to jump in Colorado,
it's too painful, and took a different fork in the

Basically I added up my life to date and "someday came",
so I spent 3 months helping some people with
English at the Academy of Science in Beijing.

I'll probably go back again for a few months
this year and maybe longer after that.

The future is very uncertain but there is certainly
a feeling there of a country on the upswing.

I'm not selling my gear but I'll probably wait
until we move to jump any more.

We may still get a jump or two together before
it's all over.

> Welcome to the fray...

Right! :-) :-)

I read further down in that Sandmonkey blog
and see that some main stream newspapers
have picked up the story and the Danish
consulate verified it.

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Skratch, to jump with you would be an amazing thing.

My, your world travels have taken you places. Well done; I want to go to China someday...and I bet it was a wonderful thing to teach.

Yes, the rest of the blog indicates that it's both been verified and picked up by media in Britain, Denmark, Belgium, and apparently Australia, as well. It will be interesting to see if this story is picked up here, as well...if not, the avoidance of the issue will be interesting, as well.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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The delay is explained that it took a while for the Danish Imans to create an uproar and provide various groups with false drawings.

Unfortunately, what I'm saying is not untrue. There wasn't a big uproar - except a little back home here. Then these dudes made up some more provocative drawings and took 'em with 'em abroad to stir shit.

Same people say one thing "peace and tolerance" here in Denmark and then are caught on TV inciting hatred in Muslim countries.

I am disgusted by these people - not because they are Muslim or Imans, but because they are two tongued liars full of hatred and unappreciative of/working against freedoms that have been granted to them.

Fortunately, things are pretty mellow here. No mosques have been burned and there hasn't been a blacklash against Danish muslims on any significant scale. I hope that doesn't change. Depends on external circumstances I think.

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