
$262 a barrel coming?

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Quote from the article:

The fall of the House of Saud seems the most far-fetched of the six possibilities, and it's the one that generates that $262 a barrel.

Oil prices are highly unlikely to reach the chicken little price of $262.
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Oil prices are highly unlikely to reach the chicken little price of $262.

It was highly unlikely that a jet would ever reach mach1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....

It was highly unlikely that 2 planes would crash into the Trade Centers resulting in a collapse that killed 2,000+ people.

It should be highly unlikely to have 50+ degree temps for 3 weeks in the middle of winter in the NE.. Yet it's happening..

It is highly unlikely that Houston Texas will get his with a suitcase nuke anytime soon.. Yet the Houston PD is conducting nuclear disaster drills as we speak.

Many things are highly unlikely.

When gas was 99cents a gallon it was highly unlikely that has would level out at $2.25 per gallon.. Yet it has..



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For anyone interested in why it is almost inevitable that we will see this kind of price spike in the coming years visit www.energybulletin.net ... then go buy base gear
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