
Bush couldn't say it, so Clinton did:

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Yeah, but Bubba got a hummer and lied about it, so he must be hated forever.:|
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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But he only purjured himself because they were asking questions about stuff that was none of their business. He should have just said "It's none of your business."

I do not lie, but I have no qualms about saying "I'm not going to tell you" to nosy people.

Dilemma is, they were going to find him at fault either way. Guilty of purjury, or guilty of sin (in their eyes).
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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But he only purjured himself because they were asking questions about stuff that was none of their business. He should have just said "It's none of your business."

I do not lie, but I have no qualms about saying "I'm not going to tell you" to nosy people.

Dilemma is, they were going to find him at fault either way. Guilty of purjury, or guilty of sin (in their eyes).

I don't have any sympathy for guys that get BJs from ugly women. He deserved it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I don't have any sympathy for guys that get BJs from ugly women. He deserved it.

The BJ, or the investigation? ;)

Anyone ever consider how differently history would be written if:
1. JFK had not been assasinated.
2. JFK had been subjected to a Kenneth Starr type investigation.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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