
Why delay/turn away foreign aid for Katrina?

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Red tape snags some overseas aid

September 8, 2005


STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- For four days, a C-130 transport plane ready to lift supplies to Katrina victims has stood idle at an air base in Sweden.

The aid includes a water purification system that may be urgently needed amid signs deadly diseases could be spreading through fetid pools in New Orleans.

The one thing in the way of takeoff? Approval by U.S. officials.

Although some foreign aid is on the way to the United States, many international donors are complaining of frustration that bureaucratic entanglements are hindering shipments to the United States.

''We have to get some kind of signal [from the United States] in the next few days,'' said Karin Viklund of the Swedish Rescue Services Agency. ''We really hope we will get it.'' Aside from water purification units, the country has offered blankets and mobile network equipment.

95 countries are helping

The United States has accepted offers of nearly $1 billion in assistance from 95 countries, said Harry K. Thomas Jr., the State Department's executive secretary.

Thomas said that ''every country has heard from us, all have been told their offers are being evaluated and that 'we may take your offers later.'" But Poland, Austria and Norway said they had not heard back on their aid offers, and countries outside Europe said they were also waiting for replies:

*India, which regularly is hit by flooding from monsoon rains, has said it has a planeload of supplies waiting. The United States said it has accepted $5 million in aid.

*Taiwan said it was waiting to hear for guidance on its $2 million pledge. The United States said late Monday it has the financial offer along with medical supplies.

*The government also said it had accepted South Korea's offer of $30 million and 100 tons of goods such as blankets, diapers, crutches, bunk beds and wheelchairs. South Korea had promised the aid by this weekend. But Foreign Ministry spokesman Lee Kyu-hyung said Wednesday the delivery will likely be delayed until next week as ''preparations are not going well.''

Even Honduras -- second-poorest country in the Western Hemisphere -- offered aid. The U.S. Embassy told it that ''at this moment, the U.S. government is not asking for international assistance.'' AP
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I do too.

I just hope we don't see too much more of the "where were the other countries when Katrina happened?"

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Could it be because they are trying to figure out where to put the stuff first?

On our local news, there were two trucks filled with donated items. Salvation Army said that they needed to sort through the stuff first, then they could hand it out, but they didn't have a place big enough or enough people to sort through all the stuff. Instead, they opened up the truck, and laid the stuff out for the evacuees to take what they needed.
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